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Mistakes? What Mistakes?

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Posted by Alan on September 6, 2001 22:00:34 UTC

No, I'm not an alien from another planet. But I have discovered a reality-analysis system that appears so advanced that I have yet to find any physics that doesn't map into it.

(Map is: Three complementary 'jump event fields' (quantum fields?) (I call simply 'musical chairs). One field has the effect of 'joining the dots' between two other 'musical chairs' fields; the key is to 'know the difference' between 'musical chairs' and 'join the dots'.

The difference may turn out to be another 'musical chairs' type field. Physicists would note the 'join the dots field' is 'at right angles' / different dimension to/ relative to; the 'musical chairs' field. 'Know the difference' may include 'know the relativity'.

You might think of it as three complementary quantum-accelerations (effectively we have here a quantum-gravity (acceleration) scenario that produces all the other quantum phenomena.)
So instead of looking for a quantum-gravity therory to fit qm; we start with a qa (quantum acceleration) (so includes gravity) scenario that generates qm. (I'm still figuring it out; maybe I'm 'up the creek' with this, maybe not).)

Further; 17 - 18 years ago I discovered how to obtain recall of experiences I had as a newborn baby. The information content of those experiences allows me to state that newborn babies are well ahead of the modern physicists in certain respects. (telepathy, teleportation, outside-time phenomena, observer-type time-travel, multi-dimensional states)

It's the kind of knowledge that would probably be 'everyday reality' for aliens on other worlds.

Socrates thought that "All knowledge is remembrance". He was on a hot trail there. Human scientists are struggling to figure out the rules of the great cosmic game, apparantly unaware that they once knew the basic structure of reality and have concealed that information from themselves (along with their personal baby experience).

Whether or not the physics-analysis system passes the current test I'm subjecting it to (By reading "Schrodinger's Kittens" by John Gribben; and "The Force Of Symmetry" by Paul? Ecke; the fact remains that the 'hard data' I have from newborn experience is another matter, and appears rock-solid accurate.

I'm not aware of any mistakes by God here on Earth- what mistakes? I am aware of 'mistakes' by humans; but they are kind of like the so-called probability wave or superposed states in quantum mechanics. Observe the 'mistake' closely enough and the 'superposed states' or associated 'wave function' collapses- you end out with no mistake.

What I'm saying is that a feature of crime, for example, is denial or evasion of reality. (Excluding 'artificial crime', an artifact of arbritrary rule-imposition) So you have a contradiction scenario that looks rather like a quantum superposition scenario.

The nature of mankind's mistakes thus makes them vulnerable to 'collapse of the wave function/ the 'superposition-like' inherent contradictions. This collapse appears to occur with the application of honesty plus responsibility. Honesty means taking notice of all data, the existence of that data, so is the opposite of evasion.

Since God = Existence; we have perhaps a clue here as to how God, Existence, can 'remove one's sins as far as the east is from the west'. To be honest is to acknowledge Existence. There appears to be a parrallel between: observing a quantum event and collapsing the fuzzy wave function; and being honest about a human event (thus oberving, not-evading, all data) and collapse of the contradictions/ fuzziness associated with human evasions of reality.

I'm travelling again but be back in some days; any errors in logic above?

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