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I Did Exactly As You Suggest

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Posted by Mohammad Isa Mirsiam on September 6, 2001 16:08:56 UTC

My Dear Mario,
As you may know I did exactly as you suggest. I started with using Logic to eliminate the doubt about the existence of God. No one was able to come up with an argument using logic to disprove the logical conclusion, which I posted. Then I tried to use logical arguments that proved that there is only one God. Then I tried to use the same logic to eliminate all the illegitimate gods and I also sent URL addresses to sites where the Islamic understandings of some other scriptures were explained. After this I was attempting to show how the current evolutionary theory is flawed. Then I attempted to explain the living purpose of science. Then I tried to concentrate on the subject of what can be considered useful and permissible science etc. etc. (I AM INCAPABLE OF COMPROMISING MYSELF AGAINST A CONCLUSION THAT IS REACHED AT BY THE USE OF PURE LOGIC.)

All of this time I have been trying to eliminate all the disagreements so that I could post messages about how one may be able to generate an atmosphere on dead planet with Allah's permission. (It is impossible for any one to understand the scope of what I am implying here unless they fully understand the Islamic point of view. In order to understand the science of God one must learn about the purpose of God and one dose this by reading the books that I suggested and studding the material without discrimination. I constantly study scriptures and writings other than Islamic ones. This is how I reach the conclusions that I reach. I have studied them without discrimination but I have chosen to discriminate -after my study- against doctrines, which are illogical and are based on purely emotions. Emotionally motivated Doctrines, which believe in blood sacrifice, and Illogical doctrines, which do not satisfy the question of where we came from or who made us, simply cannot be from the supreme indestructible everlasting God, which I proved, must exist using simple logic and simple language. I will continue to post links and messages for everyone’s study. I shall try and keep my comments to a minimum or at zero so that every one can interpret the literature in there own mind.


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