Jsbond wrote below:
, the idea of evolution has never provided a satisfactory explanation to the origin of any species, or to the origin of life. It has merely claimed that a more-or-less infinite number of chances accidentally, and simultaneously, occurred to bring about life. Then it is claimed that an exceedingly greater number of accidents and chances kept taking place to produce all the living species, as we know them now. This is something of nearing a real "hallucination" in the name of science. How can it be possible for so many accidents to take place in this fantastic manner? Science has never known such a week theory in any of its other disciplines with so many loopholes in it. Neither has science used "chance" or "accident" to explain any theory or discovery except evolution. As a matter of fact, Science has been built on the notion of causality, that is to say there is a cause for any event, and on the impossibility of accidental relationships between events. Admitting the accidental occurrence of related phenomenon makes it impossible to decide on any common rule or law, ending in the rejection of the theory of knowledge, which is built on the prohibition of accident.
Chew on this when you go to bed! Maybe you will not have an accident.
This is VERY COMMON UNUNDERSTANDING how chemistry and thus life works. Somehow uneducated people think that science picture the origin of, say, human body as follows: atoms of C, O, N, H were freely moving around and a sudden combination of about 1027 of them created a 70-kg human body. 'Na-ah' - they say - 'We know some math. It is impossible for so many atoms to be at right place at right time. Therefore,they say, because human body can NOT be created in such RANDOM collision of atoms, SOMEBODY (the GOD)had to place all these 1027 atoms in RIGHT order (one by one?) to make the Adam.'
Do we have to explain here how adult human grows (as a chemical machine absorbing some chemicals and processing them as his genetic code prescribes), how cell grows/functions and how with time generation after generation DNA code changes little by little, eventually resulting in different (we say, evolved) organism?
Is not it clear that humans were NOT created 3 billion years ago, when first lipid molecules gather (due to surface tension) into small spherical pre-cell structures with other organic stuff trapped inside, and due to diffusion and osmosis started selective exchange by chemicals with environment. Fats, sugars, aminoacids, small chains of proteins and other primitive organic stuff was readily available as it was easily to make out of inorganic stuff like H2O, CO2, N2, CH4, NO2, NH3, etc. by heat/ cold/ light/ UV/ sparks/ volcanic and metheor activity, etc.
Some biologists classify such selective chemical exchange activity of lipid bubbles as a pre-life. Thhey call "life" those structures which grew big enough to survive spliting into several smaller ones. But some consider those first non-self-reproducing lipid bubbles as "most primitive life forms" due to their ability to exchange with environment (you may call it primitive matabolism).
So, where in evolution of organochemical reactions, leading to primitive cells, then to multicellular creatures and eventually to dinos and humans (under strict direction of natural laws) do you see "hallucination in the name of science"? Or where do you see random collisions of many atoms suddenly creating complex organism?
Evolution goes little by little, each times slightly modyfying already available life forms. Most of those chemical reactions leading to primitive life are even reproducible in lab conditions. And if you have some spare time (a couple of billion years) to watch the evolution of primitive lipid bubbles into human body in the lab - you are in luck. Sit down, get some popcorn with soda and watch a greatest show of chemistry in town - creation and evolution of life.
Most of evolution is recorded in fossiles clearly showing that humans were NOT created overnight (neither by accidental combination of atoms nor by god) but gradually evolved from ancient apes (in fact we ARE those ancient apes after about a million years of slow changes due to mutations - you have to admit that despite that you do not want to be considered related to apes). Othervise our DNA would not be 98.6% identical to DNA of apes as it was found during human genome mapping.