Hi W
Just over a year ago,
Wandaqueen quoted Mike at
Mike: "space is independent of coordinate system and hence not measurable"
and then
Wandaqueen replied:
"Space is of course measurable using any coordinate system you like. The point is that an assumption in both General Relativity and Loop Quantum Gravity is that spacetime does not depend on the particular coordinate system you use."
What is being measured is our map of space, not space itself. That is not semantics. It is a reality check that should occur periodically.
We have lots of time if you want to dispute that statement.
I think if one reads that whole thread, one might wonder if Wandaqueen and Secretary are quite polite. In that thread, Wandaqueen avoided answering three questions (seen again below) by having Secretary, also anonymous, bust in.
at http://www.astronomy.net/forums/god/messages/31164.shtml
Wandaqueen wrote: "That leaves open the question of whether time ia a real dimension or just a representation. Time certainly exists but it may not be a dimension."
Two of the questions were:
(Mike replied):
(snip)... Now, what do you think is precisely the difference between a "real dimension" and "just a representation?" What substance does a "real dimension" have which is not also then double-defined as also being a specific form of matter or energy?
Wanda wrote:
"LQG has further solidified the real existence of space by proving that it is quantized and independent of coordinate system. That is, the spin network that underlies space and time do not have apriori location in space. Location is derived from the network, as well as time."
Mike replied (the other question)
3) Please trot out the clear definition of "spin network?" I think you were saying in technical terms what a layman (such as Einstein in his book Relativity) might say is
that the reporting of locations of waves or particles is dependent upon the reporting of locations of other waves or particles -- in other words, what we report is their position relative to other positions...
Is that similar to Wandaqueen's reasonable answer?