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To Clear The Objections

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Posted by Tarajee on December 15, 2004 08:16:38 UTC

Dear Sir,
I am really grateful to you, for your response. I have no words to pay you thanks. I also apologise to bother you, as you may be busy for your daily life affairs. I am so sorry for the inconvenience you felt to read my article, as I could not describe my message properly. Again a few words for your kind perusal just to clear the objections.

I have changed the words “ secret”. Thanks for pointing the use of a wrong word.
Law of losses. When we throw a stone, due to the applied force, it keeps floating in the air. It covers a distance and when the applied force becomes week it has to drop on ground. May be I am wrong here, you can give this process a name you like, but I think this all is due to the losses, causing any process to slow down or stop, and so it is same with the moon, it should leave the orbit.
Doomsday – I am sorry to say that my message is not to describe religious thinking in any way. It is based purely on my own thinking, how the universe will end, how the time will end? If there is any resemblance with religion prediction, I can’t help it. I have tried to explain the theory of gravity, it is not pulling, and instead it is pushing from space. All I like to say is to explain a fact a hidden truth. I contradict the scientists’ statement that the world will end for because the sun will go dark, as the energy of the sun will run short, or there will happen a collision between the planets, and so many other stories like that. I contradict all of them. My statement in this respect is based on the facts, what is real cause of the sudden failure of this entire system of the universe. To say about the religious lesson, I am not against any belief, and so I suggest to all of my readers not use any harsh language against any belief. I am sure you are a good boy.

I am not sure if there is any other alternative than the present theory of gravity you are accepting it to be the last word, when you say that it has a LAW stating,” EVERY object with mass exerts an attractive force on every other.” On the other hand you say, that, “ gravity is only a piece of large puzzle which the Grand Unified Theory is still trying to figure out.” At the same time there is another comment,” Gravity is NOT a final theory,” and also that, “centre of mass of the earth, this would be the point from which the force acts.” I accept that I am unable to make out the exact meaning of this all. It looks like to be a multi sided statement contradicting each other. There is no logic to believe that centre of the earth is meant to produce such force, which can attract an object, thousand and thousand mile away from the earth, while not knowing the real cause of forcing the lava out from inside the earth’s core. There is a tremendous crushing force working in the centre of the earth, instead of attracting force. I clearly, and strongly, oppose this belief that mass or mater has any power or force, or it has any intellectual sense to decide a line of action. This entire system of the universe is working smoothly due to the space power. This is to be decided as yet where it is coming from.
Certainly you have not wasted your time to read the subject. I am sure that your statement will help to bring certain realities, out of the darkness. I am very thankful to you for your valued effort. I appreciate your way of selecting the week points.
You say that you do not believe me, because I have no authority to make you believe. In fact I have no authority I accept it.
But after all I am not disappointed. You are not the last person.
OCEAN of SPACE- As you say that space is very good vacuum. I believe space to be full of space power. I am not talking about air vacuum.
While you say that planets are not of the round shape. Is there any planet with triangular shape, or having multi sided figure? Even then you are free not to accept my opinion. I am not talking about the asteroids.
The sun is going to perform the function very smoothly since the very moment of the beginning of the universe. The scientists tell us how the sun is working, while the power source is not known as yet. Still the puzzle is present who refills the energy. I am unable to follow you, what do you mean by saying” the sun does vary.”
The sun will never change the shape. It will not change its present figure, as the grip of the space is working evenly around the sun. I have explained clearly the way the space power works. “Push on a rock all day long” and that “ You will not heat a rock at all.” These remarks are only to push my theory altogether in the darkness. These words have no relation with my theory at all. At this stage your statement do not appear to be a reasonable discussion or objection. If there is a reasonable objection, it is very kind of you but objection for objection is not appreciated in any way. I have made a solemn effort to give this world a theory based on the real facts, I am not a writer may be failed to describe in proper words. Main point of the theory is very clear and unshakable. It is entirely will of the readers how they look it.
Tides of the ocean will definitely swell up when there is sun or moon on the sky, in any part of the ocean.
Again I am so sorry to waste your time. With best regards. Tarajee. []

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