Hi. My name is Dan K. McCoin. I am 63 and have a background in mechanical, electrical and nuclear engineering. Although I had introductory calculus 39 years ago, I have never used it and do not do calculus.
In 1954 I had a vision which resulted in a theory I entitled "UniKEF" which stands for "Universal Kenetic Energy Field". It speculates about many aspects of our universe but was specifically developed for and deals most directly with gravity.
The thoughts caused me to view things a bit differently than most and predictions were made which over the years I have watched perhaps a dozen "Priori Predictions" come true. In spite of my mathematical handicap I was able to put together a presentation which caught the eye of Dr Edward Allard, Physicist of Infared fame, in 1965. He did (8) pages of calculus on the gravity concept and told me that his work validated the possibility of UniKEF gravity. The calculus has again recently been verified. That work however is in dire need of proper scripting, graphics and expansion in a form suitable for submission for peer review and hopeful publication as a new theory for gravity.
A little over a year ago I decided to go public with the concept in expectation that others would find it interesting and perhaps it could be advanced. HeHe. What I found was it didn't take one evening on the Internet to become labled a "Crackpot" and couldn't get the correct time of day from physicists. That went on for a year but ultimately a new member came to the group that didn't know the background and entered a discussion on UniKEF and made the dastardly step of actually looking at the calculus available and also found that Dr Allard was right. Now that they can no longer justify calling me "Crackpot", they have basically begun to just ignore me.
I recently have contacted the Math Department of a University and they have expressed interest and have taken material to consider in an effort to prepare a Paper on UniKEF Gravity for peer review in hopes of getting published in a Journal. I havn't given up on it but they seem to be moving very slowly and I want to explore other possibilities.
UniKEF not only produces an inverse square "local" gravity but flattens over distance and then becomes repulsive. This eliminates or mitigates the requirement for "Dark Matter" and should eliminate "Dark Energy". It dictates that the universe is finite. It should make it possible to calculate the diameter of the universe in terms of "time-space" and not just the observable universe. UniKEF sees time-space as expanding and being larger than the observable universe.
Rather than make this overly long I would like to ask that you, or anyone you might know that would have interest, in joining me in seeking publications of this work to goto:
where I have posted some of the available information on the concept. If you or any contact, would be interested in working with me to prepare a properly scripted paper; including the required calculus and graphics then please contact me at:
This really could be, not only interesting, but of value to our understanding of our universe.
Thanking you in advance for any consideration made. I remain.
Dan K. McCoin