"Light and other electromagnetic radiation cannot travel in a complete vacuum but (sic)on the average there is the same distribution of electromagnetic radiation all over the universe..... Including an infinite number of layers we should then have an infinite amount of light energy arriving(sip). I propose that this Zitterbewegung is caused by light and other electromagnetic radiation(gulp)". Is the different G masured by the Chinese because they live on the dark side of the earth? ;-)
This link actually shows how scientist with very high energy lasers accelerate electrons.
According to Newton there is absolutely no
reason why G should differ from one place to
another. Secondly is seems that the American G
is even different to the French and Chinese one.
It also seems that the G used to calculate the
planets positions is relatively different to
those used on earth.
Here is a quotation from an American university doing gravity research.
Recently the value of G has been called into question by new measurements from respected research teams in Germany, New Zealand, and Russia. The new values disagree wildly. For example, a team from the German Institute of Standards led by W. Michaelis obtained a value for G that is 0.6% larger than the accepted value; a group from the University of Wuppertal in Germany led by Hinrich Meyer found a value that is 0.06% lower, and Mark Fitzgerald and collaborators at Measurement Standards Laboratory of New Zealand measured a value that is 0.1% lower. The Russian group found a curious space and time variation of G of up to 0.7% The collection of these new results suggests that the uncertainty in G could be much larger than originally thought. This controversy has spurred several efforts to make a more reliable measurement of G.
Scientists around the world should not be getting different values.
We can measure the distance to the moon , place atoms in a neat design and put billions of tranistors on a microchip. Surely we should have been able to do a better job with our big G which
describes our universe.
There are two reasons for the variation of G.
1.The earth is like a giant iron core in a transformer.It is not so stong
as to block out the induced currents but it does have an effect on the gravitational
constant.Certain places on earth would resonate better due to their rocks.
(The iron core example is probaly not too exact.It should more likely be
considered as different types of transparent glass.The earth is transparent
to this induced current and all differences although significant are very slight.
Research is needed to determine which rocks effect gravitation and how.
2.Due to certain astronomical configurations light is locally not 100%
even. Certain directions should have slightly greater value than others.
The G determined by the planets orbits is not the same as that
measured on earth.
The Planets
Using the data from the Nasa
one can calculate G for say Pluto.
From Keplers laws we have ;
One gets 6,55e-11.
This is "way" out.
You cannot claim that it is
due to the fact that the mass or some other data is not well
known. The Nasa have enough computers to fiddle out what the
mass should be. In any case the mass is calculated backwards from
this formula and from its moons.The fact is that a coherent G cannot
be found that will apply to all the planets. This is true even if
we fiddle around and change anything we can with the planets
Obviously we cannot change the semi-major axis too much or the
period as we can measure these very well.I am sure that the
NASA has already tacken into account any planetary pertubations
caused by all the other planets.
In general astronomers do not use this formula in the form
shown above. It is only used in school text books.Astronomers
are too ashamed that it would not be accurate enough.
They uses different formula to cover up these differences.
Their G is also different to that measured on earth.
Various interesting links.
Nist http://physics.nist.gov/cgi-bin/cuu/Value?bgspu
Value 6.6742 x 10-11 m3 kg-1 s-2
Uncertainty 0.0010 x 10-11 m3 kg-1 s-2
Mikhail Gershteyn, a visiting scientist at the MIT Plasma Science and Fusion Centre and his colleagues have successfully and experimentally demonstrated that the well-known force of gravitation between two test bodies varies with their orientation in space, relative to a system of distant stars.
Newton's gravitational constant G changes with the orientation of test masses by at least 0.054 per cent, according to Gershteyn's experiments, a remarkable and unprecedented finding that has landed his paper on the subject in the journal Gravitation and Cosmology.
During the course of the measurements, a temporal shift of up to 0.001G and of unknown cause was observed in the values obtained. The processing of arrays with the help of spreadsheets has revealed in the results of G measurements some known space rhythms (solar, lunar, stars), which explanations yet have not been found.
Modern value of Newtonian constant of gravitation G being recommended CODATA: 1998 [1]:
G=6,673(10)e10-11 m3kg-1s-2 .
From all universal physical constants the accuracy in determination of Newtonian constant of gravitation G is lowest.
As the accuracy in determination of constants of electromagnetism is high the calculated value of gravitational constant which on accuracy comes nearer to accuracy of electromagnetic constants is received on the basis of the formulas found by us. All above mentioned formulas give new value of Newtonian constant of gravitation G, which on accuracy almost on five orders is exacter than value known on today. The new value of Newtonian constant of gravitation G instead of four digits contains already 9 digits [2]:
G=6,67286742(94)e10-11 m3 kg-1s-2.