I've noted so far that your "posters" are "guessing"..which I suppose would be natural. I am a retired eAro-space engineer that has been in the field since 1960. ALSO, beliee it not, I am an "Implanted" and "tracked" member of the GALACTIC FEDERATION who's ships are NOW in our skies and have been since 1884 ( see Congressional records)
They were an active part of WW2 and elected to give us RADAR as well as the ATOMIC Bomb. This was a difficult decision for them to make as thye thought that this MAY bring PEACE to this doomed Planet.
In Feb of 1995, all technical members who had been here since 1923 were taken up to prepare the assigned fleet for a series of Battles that would begin with the advent of HALE BOPP and its encounter with Jupiter. (the "companion" was an Grey Draconian ship that was aprox 1/3 the size of our moon) The support troops which included a LADY friend of mine ( 91 yrs old yet a ravishingly beautiful 5'7" straw Blond Pleiadean woman who had
earned an art degree in 1918 from an upstate N.Y.
college. Her work was lierally "photograaphic" in visage and she made good money supporting herself.
MORE about her later.
WHen the fleet was resting beyond MARS in the vicinity of the Asteroid belt, they waited for the Draconian (DRACO) ship and when it did appear Sept 19th 1997, It launced abot 50 fighters & attacked the Galactic ship with only inadequate particle Laser weapons which were "reversed" by Galactic "shields and quickly dispatched 19 of their ships.
A TRUCE was called and OUR BASE on MARS ( since 1962..Alt-3 program) was chosen as a site for negotiation. I and others watched the ships coming and going from orbit around MARS.
That was BATTLE nr one of three from then through Sept 01, 2001. The other battles will be posted separately. This info is FORBIDDEN to be used by the PHONY "GALACTIC FEDERATION" site on the www.
His expensive "copy-cat" News-letters are as FICTITIOUS as HE himself had been since his entry on the www net in 1994. Its time for TRUTH that is accurate and told as it IS! The GF is here because
our SUN went berserk in 1962 and has been "ameliorated" by the G-F since 1997. Go to:
http://www.NASA.gov.SOHO.imaging.2003/08/29.. 16:42...etc..see GOOGLE.
You may contact me personally at any time via E-mail
WE ARE LIVING IN THE "LAST DAYS" that have been GIVEN to us by GALACTIC SCIENCES till 3034 when our SUN will finally do its' "RED STAR thing" and SWELL to the surface of Jupiter dissolving everthing in between. B-0b1