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Impossible Penetration Of The Event Horizon

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Posted by Joe Antognini on January 1, 2002 06:06:45 UTC

I'm not much on relativity, but if an object were falling into the gravatational well of the black hole it picks up speed. This can work with either special or general relativity. As it picks up speed, according to relativity, time slows down. Also, the more gravity affecting an object the more curvature of space-time and thus a slower time. As we well know, the escape velocity of a planet, star, etc. is the speed at which an object must go to leave the planet, star, etc. from a certain point (usually the surface). The escape velocity is also the speed at which the object is falling into the planet, star, etc. From the event horizon of a black hole, the escape velocity is the speed of light. Thus, an object when passing the event horizon is traveling at the speed of light. When an object travels at the speed of light, time, literally,stops. While the object is unaffected by time, the normal universe time continues. In literally no time at all, the universe has ended for the object, or (for those of you who believe that the universe is static, infinte, or infinitily expanding) the black hole has evaporated due to Hawking Radiation. However, one counterpoint to this argument is that if the object never reaches the singularity, then how does the black hole increase in size (and thus) gravatational power? As we all know, time dialation is not the only affect of high speed travel according to the theory of relativity. The mass of the object is increased as well. At the point of light speed, this object also has an infinite mass and, thus, an infinite density. The object now is its own black hole, so the combined gravity is now greater than previous. (A worthwile afternote for further discussion: another point to relativity is that as the speed rises, so does the inertia. More and more force is required to get the object faster. Just before light speed, an infinite amount of force is necessary to get the object to light speed. How does a black hole do this? Gravity is a force. Forces, are, quite literally, fountains of energy. 'Gravity is energy?' one might ask. It is actually an 'antienergy'. Think about it. An object speeding along has energy. It hits another object, and the second object recieves the energy and keeps going in the same direction if hit correctly. Gravity is transmitted theoretically through the graviton. The graviton strikes an object, and the object goes in the reverse direction- back towards the gravity source! As we can see, forces supply infinite energy to the universe. It is actually possible to harvest energy from these never ceasing fountains of energy. We've done it before with the slingshot effect! The forces give us an infinite bounty- but from where? More on that later.)
-Joe Anto

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