Kip agreed goto telescopes are not needed and not always the best choice for someone starting out a good dob would be better but still
star hopping in the city can be hard with a 60mm refractor i have came across a few objects be trailing across the sky took awhile to
come across them to something that could have been much easier if i was in darker skys... as someone said before somewhere..
a telescope is used to look at stuff but its not that great if you can`t find anything to look at
some of us can`t make it out to dark sites to look up at the pretty sky and even if we have big 6" or 8" dobs it wont do us good if the light
pollution is bad... even with star charts and all its hard star hopping from one star to another to get to that one deepspace object cause
some of those stars you can`t even see
being out in a nice dark place a goto telescope would be cheating its not needed at all as a good starchart can help you more but in the
city a goto telescope would be nicer for some of us
they are even nicer for someone like me that has problems i can`t sit still and sweep the sky slowly pushing it along i have to get up and
move around i wont go into other parts of my yard and those parts just happen to be the places where its easier to find things and i can`t
stand being out for long
and the goto mounts like meade DS scopes aren`t really goto tell you get autostar for it is there really any scope (under 1000 dollars)
that has goto features with it right out of the box with nothing else needed to buy?
and for a beginner dobs can be kind of much don`t you think? in this case this person wants to see if he/she would like to get into it or
well that`s what i thought spending 400 dollars or well around there is kind of allot cause say this person doesn`t get into it? then there
you lose 400 bucks guess you could always sell it though