Aurino wrote:
"I'm glad you are having a ball, but I'm sure that is only because you haven't seen what I saw. I grew up in a place where three kids spend the day begging on the streets instead of playing Nintendo. A place where a shoe is more valuable than a human life. A place where corrupt politicians build mansions with the blood and tears of poor citizens."
Aurino, I have spent nearly a year of my 46 without a home in America, sleeping in mass shelters or outdoors, so I am not mocking you.
You're not there now. That culture had a history which created its present. Try learning from us admittedly well-fed folk.
"So don't come to me with this "having fun" Language Removed. If you knew the side of life that I know, you would understand that if life doesn't have meaning then it's not worth living at all."
Aurino, having fun can help make corruption unnecessary. You are familiar with Yoga etc.
It is the desire for more gross materialism that
creates corruption. At any stage, a society faces scarcity issues. Defense of a fragile society has my philosophical support,
but they can have fun while assembling future security from scarcity...
Aurino wrote:
"What good is a world where 10% of the people are overweight while the remaining 90% are starving to death?"
Aurino, Food distribution is indeed unequal. Food itself is abundant, though now we face ecological calamities brought on by global warming. Air and water pollution, along with food shortages, threaten the globe.
But look! Scotland's population is only 5 million and hardly increased in 25 years. The third world had a population explosion, adding
1.5 billion people while some tribes' numbers hardly budged!
Scientists everywhere made a concerted effort to feed the world and population in the poor regions tripled in two generations. I did not begrudge my food to another.
"If I don't have a lot of fun, that may be because I'm constantly feeling the pain of the people I care about. But how would you know? You don't even know what pain is. So dance away while the music lasts."
Empathy is laudable, but who is screwing up your world? Folks who eat too much? If you think
we don't know pain, maybe you have seen too much of our smiling faces. Many of us smile to make your world more pleasant. Inside, others suffer too. I don't expect you to understand. And that does not bode well. But maybe you will pull your head out and realize that around you, even when among fat, dancing fun folks, are folks who can help save folks you care about.
Mike |