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I'm Not Sure

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Posted by Aurino Souza on October 15, 2002 13:55:00 UTC

Hi Dick,

I don't think I have said anything about after you disappeared from the G&S forum. I was extremely distressed that we couldn't communicate, and I'm still at a loss to understand why. In all honesty I don't understand why you say some of the things you say, things which are not wrong as much as they are disturbing.

Let me give you a case in point. I asked you a question, the actual meaning of it is actually beside the point, and I offered you three possibilities; you could answer "yes", "no", or "something else". Now while I had no problem with the fact that you declined to give me either a yes or a no, I find the fact that you didn't see your answer as "something else" absolutely mind-boggling. Even an "I don't know if it's yes or no or something else" still qualifies as "something else" to me, but after discussing many things with you over a period of time I came to realize that your mode of thinking is so alien that we can't agree on something as commonplace as that.

So I guess my question was along the lines of whether you believe you have some difficulty communicating with people. I'm not trying to figure out if you're a nut because you're obviously a very sane individual. It's only that now and then you say things that I find extremely disturbing.

Not long ago you told me, "you have no concept of loneliness until you see what I saw". Well, I think I saw what you saw, the idea that a self-consistent explanation can map to a large, possibly infinite, number of "realities", so it becomes possible that each of us lives in a separate universe and yet we do not realize it because when we talk to each other we have the illusion of being in agreement about the world. Trust me, I do understand that concept very well, and I think it's frightening. The day your words fell in place and the idea made sense, I woke up in the middle of the night with tears in my eyes. It took my wife to comfort me so that I could get back to sleep.

I wasn't bothered by it for too long, because I truly believe what my wife told me that night. Perhaps you believe it too, but I find the idea dangerous nonetheless, especially to people who don't have wives.

Well, by now I'm off the deep end so I might as well shut up.

Have fun,


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