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Posted by Adam/">Adam on June 26, 1998 19:26:22 UTC

: The title has nothing to do with physics. i just felt like writing it. : I'm not sure I know what you mean about Hawking Radiation. There's a lot of different types of radiation associated with black holes- and some of that is virtual radiation of sorts!

: Anyways, virtual particles are particles that are theorized to have no mass. I'll assume you know about atoms and the protons and neutrons inside them. Well, they're like that, but without any mass to them. And they're not energy either. A graviton is one example of a virtual particle- though its existence is doubted. Anyways, a graviton is a particle with no mass that some theorize causes gravity. There's a lot of debate about whether or not they exist, but that's another story. These particles (virtual particles and, if they exist, gravitons, too)are found around black holes,and can be created (which means that they are created. A law that some guy made up is that anything that can happen, does. It holds true even in physics, though not in some cases, like the interior of black holes. But we're not talking about that right now)when something attempts to remove all energy from an area. When this happens, vacuum fluctuations "borrow" energy from other places, leaving them with negative energy. this occurs outside a black hole. I know that that is very confusing, and I'm sorry that I can't explain it better, but vacuum fluctuations are VERY tricky. I don't know if anyone here can explain it better than I (There's probably a few of you out there. You know who you are.) but for anyone who can, or for anyone who wishes to make a correction to this subject, you know where to find me- right here! _______________________________________________ Well I have to disagree with your fellow that posed the law, anything that can happen will happen. I've heard that load, and maybe you'd like to see evidence against it. I can prove it false, I say that the link I place at the bottom of this site could generate 100 visits, its possible, and 3 sales out of that by this time next week. I'll drop by Friday, July 3rd to let you know how the test went. As for the subject, I decided to continue the theme of making it without relation to the message. -Adam

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