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Posted by Adam/">Adam on June 23, 1998 22:17:50 UTC

: Sorry for the miss spelling, I was rushed. I have heard of Blackholes, Quasars et al but I have never heard of a "whitehole". can anyone advise me on this subject? : Also what is your oppinion on the possibility of blackholes and quasars being contected or even being the same thing. Could a quasar be the whitehole you are speaking about? : Where does all the energy come from that is ejected from the quasars? Shouldn't they burn out a lot faster than a normal star? : Lets think and talk about it. : Mac

Quasars are Black Holes surrounded by great amounts of matter, that is dust, nebulae, even stars. As the Black Hole spins, infalling matter swirls around it and accelerates.

The infalling matter is thought to create very hot regions that can release great amounts of energy. I'm not sure that this has been proven, but it by far the most popular, and accepted explanation of Quasars.

The White Hole is an interesting topic, there is some doubt as to whether one can exist in our Universe, but who knows?

As the hypothesis goes, everything that falls into a Black Hole, spews out of a white hole. I find it unlikely enough that Quasars could be white holes to dismiss the idea completely. I am not, however, a scientist, but their thoughts of quasars don't seem to include the idea of white holes either.

Before you try to push your white hole idea it might be a good idea to study the relativity behind it. Your library would be a good place to begin studying relativity. Even if ideas you have are well-founded, they aren't gaurunteed respect unless you understand them well enough to defend them. Please feel free to respond.


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