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What Is In The Sun?

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Posted by Human I.Scientist on May 27, 1998 23:40:25 UTC

We. Humans, believe through our theoryes, that sun has some measured temperature, and we think also that we known what material sun is.

Do we known these things. No.

Do we known what is middle of sun. No.

Do we known what kind of material light is. No.

Do we known what is temperature at sun surface. No.

Do we known what is temperature at center of earth. No.

We believe, through our theoryes. We dont know.

Like this material-earth-ball. We dont know what is in the earth, center earth.

There is few possibilities. L. It is hot material. like we see at sun, or volcano. R. It is gold heavy material, like rock at space. W. It is 'empty' ball, like football, or balloon.

Human has examine this through one theoryes, without measuring it. This theory is, that middle of earth is very hot. like sun. What is gravity? Material movements, why?

We believe pictures, which have made through our basic theoryes, with computers mathematics. Are our basic theoryes, which has born old times, picture at nature.

I ask; Where is mathematic zero place?

I say; E=MC2 is formula which have box, closed box. Space, earth, nature, is not closed box. M=Mass, material mass. C=Light constant speed.

M and/or C cannot be mathematical zero,0. C cannot be constant speed, because it is material thing, because it born at sun, which is material thing.

Our atom-theory is not 100% picture at nature. Something is missing. Something material thing is, what we have not seed.

I read a sience magazine at our country. There was a picture of big, big universe. I look how small point we are that picture, and it is very small point. How do we draw a picture and dont say, this is theory, not thruth.

Why dont we draw a picture, ball, cube, where is clearly, pure, measured space, without time. Space, where is material, and these material move. When we draw this, distance-measured(km) ball, or cube, we can calculate much better all movements, what happens at space.

And it is also easier to ask? What is basic of all? What is basic of life? What is basic of this nice nature? What is basic to material to be at space called space?

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