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Structure Of Spacetime
Forum List | Follow Ups | Post Message | Back to Thread Topics Posted by John Saunders/">John Saunders on May 11, 1998 04:22:13 UTC |
The Structure of the UniverseAnything which moves across a spinning surface will appear to be deflected. The deflection will be to the right for anti-clockwise spin and to the left for clockwise spin. This is much more significant, particularly for the mariner, than a simple optical illusion. An observer hovering above the north pole of the earth will be looking at a hemisphere which is spinning anti-clockwise. As a consequence winds moving around isobaric high pressure systems in the northern hemisphere rotate in a clockwise direction. The opposite is true in the southern hemisphere. The same effect applies to large bodies of moving water on the earthÕs surface, all of which are deflected to the right in the northern hemisphere, so that major ocean currents such as the Gulf Stream and the Kura Shio move away from the coasts of North America and Japan respectively. This phenomenon, known as the Coriolis effect, also accounts for the fact that tidal ranges on the French side of the English Channel are so much greater than on the English side.The effect of the Coriolis force only becomes significant when the velocity of the moving object is relatively low in proportion to the diameter of the spinning object. Light moving from a source on earth is travelling so fast that whether the source is in the northern or southern hemisphere the Coriolis effect is irrelevant. This is not, however, the case with a black hole. Anything moving on the ÔsurfaceÕ of a spinning black hole will be subject to the Coriolis force. And in the case of black holes ÔanythingÕ includes spacetime. If we conduct one of EinsteinÕs Ôthought experimentsÕ and move in from the surface of a black hole towards the centre we discover that distance shrinks until we reach the centre where distance is a singularity. ¹ is the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter. If we define the ÔsurfaceÕ of a black hole as the sphere around the centre at which point ¹ = 3.142 ( ie in common with our own experience of spacetime ) then as we progress towards the singularity the ratio of the circumference of the black hole to its diameter will increase. The sphere around the singularity at which ¹ = 4 is the so-called event horizon of the black hole. Between the surface and the event horizon lies a spherical shell within which spacetime is moving, and the value of ¹ varies between 3.142 and 4. This we can call the ÔchronosphereÕ and it is this phenomenon which defines the quality of the universe which we know and of all the matter which it contains.All black holes spin. They always have, and they always will do. The Coriolis force therefore impacts upon spacetime causing it to be deflected to the right in the northern hemisphere of a black hole.The Coriolis effect in the chronosphere of a black hole effectively locks spacetime into a spiral structure, the mathematical values of which are defined by the different boundary values of ¹. We live in the right-handed universe formed by the anti-clockwise spinning hemispheres of an infinite number of chronospheres. There is another, left-handed, universe in which spacetime spirals in the opposite direction. The right-handed helixes of spacetime generated by black holes pervade the universe and mean that any and every point in that universe is defined in relation to every other point, thus giving rise to quantum non-locality, the effect Einstein called Ô spooky action at a distanceÕ.
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