If thes universe is everything and time exists only because the universe exists and without it no time is measurable, then the notion of nothingness is impossible for us to perceive or understand.Nothing can not exist in our universe because even where we perceive nothing microwaves and energy exists.
Even nothing can be brokrn up into two equal but opposite componenet which can negate each other upon collision.For example +1 and -1 both do not exist in nothingness unless they can be separated from it. When they collide nothing exists. as even the enrgy used implodes.
If two equal yet opposite universes exist along with the energy that was emmited from the explosion when they were created where can they expand to. If these universes are everything they can only for dimensional space and expand everywhere except into nothing. What we rhen perceive to be straight out is twists and turns into a multitude of dimensions.
Bur what if in the 11 th dimesion both universes are funneled into wher matter and antimatter are imploding and energy is gobbled up by this implosion. Then is the twin universe system just a self cleansing anomoly.
When this happens completely an inconceivable and imperceivable thing has occured in that nothing again will exist and therefore time will not exist.
But what cause this anomolly. How were two equal but opposite universe created if there was nothing and not even energy existed. Could the components of nothing be taken apart and energy be created causing this big bang.Was there a first mover but how if there was nothing at all.
Here we come full circle to the conclusion that something which we can not perceieve occurred, a God force may exist or nothing never ever existed.
Since we can not perceive nothing though does not preclude it.Yes with our perceptions we come to your conclusion as it is the most logical to our limited knowlege.
The real question that may perplex us is did something take up the space which held nothing or is nothing surrounging us? But if nothing has space or dimesion can it surround us?
Then when the two universe collide if it is imploding nothing surrounds us at all.Nothing oly does not exist when it is all over.Just as when it began when it is over time is predictale as it does not exist at all.When nothing exists time is 0.Perhaps just waiting for naother anomolly to create somthing and time.Yet what if the next time other laws and elements that consist of nothing are created. Could beings from that occurence perceive our existence or nothingness too?
When we travel into the expanse leading to the worm hole that will bringus to our collision with the alternate earth will either us or our counterparts exist to experience nothing?
If the som total of everything turns out to be nothing, then nothing contains everything waiting to receate.
There are many possibilities that we now lack knowlege, but perhaps we may gain it someday.
We have traveled through space and if it is possible we may travel through time when we learn to perceive it in different terms.
When we learn the realtionships that are necessary for increased knowlege, we may understand nothing versus something time and everything else. Hopefully it is all meaningul and helpful and my idea of a self cleansing anomolly are totally incorrect.Perhaps nothingness is all relative as is speed , size and time and everything? |