I'm new so please bear with me if I'm asking about something that's been thorougly chewed.
I consider myself to be a reasonably well balanced, somewhat intelligent truck driver with a backround in journalism. I don't buy into every half baked theory that shows itself. But I do try to keep an open mind. I have zero knowledge/experience in astronomy. With those qualifiers, the following worries me. Perhaps needlessly. But...
Out of the blue the other day, I received an email from a guy named Mark Hazlewood. He describes himself as a researcher and gatherer of data. NOT a scientist, astronomer, etc..
In a 22 page disertation, he makes a case forthe return of Planet X or Nirbiru to our solar system in the spring, 2003. He describes this body as a red brown dwarf star, very dense, 5 times larger than earth. It last passed by earth 3660 years ago, he says, causing the kind of end of the world havoc described in the bible and in other ancient history texts.
It's due back in our neighborhood, he says, in May, 2003. He also says there is a massive worldwide coverup of this impending catastrophic event, that begins with NASA and includes the major and most minor observatories around the world.
The coverup, he says, is to prevent world wide panic. Given his prediction of a death toll of all but a few hundred million residents of this planet, and the complete destruction of societies everywhere, with nowhere to hide, such a coverup would make sense. I just don't know that it's possible. But it could be, especially if the major players in the space business play it down.
Conspiracies are everywhere, and paranoia is endemic. Still, I don't discount out of hand. I simply don't know if this guy (who sounds very reasonable and credible, which is what scares the hell out of me) knows what he's talking about.
I ran his theory past one of the movers and shakers at a major private observatory the other day. He wrote back and said Hazlewood's theory is bull****, citing the impossibility of a coverup, given the many thousands of scopes aimed at the skies around the world.
He urged me to buy a telescope and take a look for myself. Yeah, right. Look where, for what? It was a quick brush off, which also worries me.
I'd appreciate some folks who have some backround in the subject, take the time to read Hazlewood's tome, and respond in detail to his major points. Many of his points involve reports in the media, which he says can be read in the original.
I don't know, and that's why I'm here. When a guy who has no apparent ax to grind (altho he may be selling a book) says, the world's going to end in 18 months, I know you don't believe it, but here's my spin on it. Take it for what it's worth, then do your own research, and I think you'll come to the same conclusions I have...well, that worries me.
Am I being incredibly naieve?
Terry E |