Lets face it , you explain your belief extremely well and I dare say better than me for I cannot accept scientific hypothesis and I on the other hand being a solitary opposer with a theory then I guess I am the nutty naked professor .
The sun at the moment burns because science has postulated that fusion is the best theory , I would tend to agree on fusion but cannot bring myself to accept that it started in the core due to gravity and understand because of your beliefs why you would fail to accept that light is the cause as explained in my theory .
It is a well known tactic in the economy that it is far better to produce a product and market it quickly rather than waste time and money on patents , in a sense gravitational theories postulated by science was there first hence it has a majority share in the economy , however our technologies are advancing all the time and so I believe the scientific economy is heading for a black monday .
If my theory had been there first then what would the scientific economy think of Gravitational bound theories today.
I may have a few share holders but my product will become a household name for the market is 90% spiritual and believes in God including scientists for they cannot accept that there is not a God , at the moment due to the state of the market my product resides in a nut house where I am quite happy and relaxed to take my divine medicine .
So Alexander lets leave it at that for we shall never agree , we have had a fantastic and most intriguing discussion that I truly appreciate for it has given me at least a starting point from where to find my ideas on my next book and has given me an understanding of the grip of gravity and its effects upon the human race .
Thanks Alexander
John Reyes