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Re: Re: What About Multiple Realities?

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Posted by Mario Dovalina on January 19, 2001 01:43:53 UTC

? Maybe ya misunderstood me, maybe I'm just an idiot. But let me try and clarify.

I didn't mean to say that multiple realities are caused by living things alone. Nothing other than consciousness seperates us from the inanimate world and it would be silly to say otherwise. On the quantum level, though, truly random effects occur, or so I think. So if there are two equally possible outcomes when two particles collide, at that moment the universe branches off, each one with a different outcome of that interaction. Ya dig? The universe is infinitely branching into other paralell ones. And no I didn't make this up. It could be nonsense and ridiculous, I don't know, I'm a layman. But it would allow for time travel.

Why? A common argument against it is the paradox where you go back in time and kill yourself as a child. If multiple universes do occur and are constantly reproducing, at the moment you kill yourself as a kid, the universe splits into two: one where you die as a child, one where you go back in time and kill yourself as a child. It's strange, I admit, but as far as I know no one has found anything in the laws of physics forbidding time travel. The paralell universe theory may allow for it.

And it's not like you're creating whole new universes at will when this happens, all I'm saying is if something COULD have happened, there's a cosmos out there where it did. Interesting, eh?

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