First off: What have you against me posting to this string? Do you own this web page or are you the Web-Master for this forum? Do you have any one in particular in mind that you wish to chat on this line with or would you just have this string terminated? It seems that not too many people visit this string in the first place! What seems to be your problem? You want a chat line why don't you leave this string, sir!? Read or don't read or just do not pay attention to my writings! OK for you Sir!? You are not in a dictatorship you know!! If you were in charge we should all leave in case you get in to power and kill us all for heresy!
What I try to write about is in line with Science! It may also help some to look more into the supernatural side of science by having a limited number of my writings posted on this string. It may not be what you wish to consider science because it is not substantive to you or your mind. You may wish me to post the chemistry behind conditions which are necessary in order to transport one's living consequent conscience energy back and forth from a dimension known as "X". Well the chemical conditions occur naturally and no one knows what triggers them except that it has to do with near death experience! Yes NEAR-DEATH! NOT DEATH itself! This is achieved by conditions that are brought about by the mind. That is what the dimension of the mind is all about! A state of utopia has to exist in ones mind for this to happen otherwise the energy will expire or extinguish itself as a result of an imbalance in the equilibrium factor which is necessary for this isomorphic brain contact to happen. I can show you how travel through BlackHoles and WhiteHoles can be achieved by a system but it requires exact duplication of the same conditions in every individual that tries it. This requires what we call faith or by interpretation: Fear! or lack of it. You have to have fear of something or someone in order not to be afraid! Right?! as The Doctor once said: "Courage isn't just a matter of not being frightened, you Know. It's being afraid and doing what you have to do anyway."
Because what I write about has to do with Black holes. We Humanoids may never find the details of the workings of BlackHoles and WhiteHoles because certain laws of Physics are defied by the unexplainable. If you would just read what I post and reflect upon them in place of reacting in a negative way you will see how you can use them in time. You or others may not knowingly be aware of the use of BlackHoles and WhiteHoles but they are being used every moment as a means of transport to the other side or the "X" dimension which is invisible to our eyes and our physical world but never the less it exists on a parallel plain but on a different frequency of soft but invisible light at a point where space itself bends and time becomes timeless or void and matter merges with the source of matter which some call dimension "X" or the invisible world where only sentient conscience beings resided in a form of pure energy and having independent uncorrupted and uncorrectable will power who also produce no waste as a result of generating energy since the energy produced is perpetual and perfect and requires only the most perfect fuel which it derives from The WILL or the WILLINGNESS of the originator of all sources of energies in bot the world of matter and in the world of actual SUBSTANCE WITHOUT BODY BUT FULLY FORMED!
untill next time...
As Ever, Brother Rich,
Best Regards