Interesting this meaning of life stuff. I have been seeking an actual map of the known shape of the universe to see what we actually know in some form visual. To see how far, in a visual globe, with earth as zero reference, the known,known, universe extends and exhibits form and perhaps evolutionary movement through time but seem to have no luck. Seems that this would be a visual conception of current astromonical objects catalogue. Perhaps It would take a super computer to generate.
Back to the meaning of life. Have written a book In Search of Enchantment and the Paranormal,cl998. Which is not yet on the market,doing a second rewrite to imporve coherency and clairty. But If the suppositions of the book are right, and the thin string of evidences, then it would seem that man is an expiriment in Relitivity. His body has begun to incorporate,in its evolution, or by design, a relationship with the values present in the universe and which suggest to mathameticians a universal field theory is probable. Electro-magnetic interaction suggested by the electrochemical fluctuations over the body and mind. The radio waves generated from the brain pons at certain times. Aural fields about the body. Gravity by the monitoring and sense of ballance of the inner ear. All those senses which monitor for our awareness are an interface between awareness of self and those forces at large in the universe.
So that man at some present time will become a participant,already according to the book, in time travel, and space travel, and thought travel. Man is the navigator of space, time, and it gives entirely new meanings to his social existance. Dreaming becomes a functional process and remote viewing become a probable reality. There is so much more in the book.
But it is the suggestions for time travel that are the most affected. Current mathemitical theory would seem to point to worm holes, or super strong gravity fields as necessary to cause time to be violated. That the masses of many, many Sols would have to be involved and that extreem volocity would then have to be employed.
The book suggests that some never reachable worm hole is not the only source of time displacement. But that the observation of man`s interaction with the Universe will be the source of the solutions to time travel. And through time travel the universe will become reachable. And in the reaching its vastness will become even more apparent.
I have seen many paranormal phenomonia in my life. The book is the creative intrepretation of these observations and I believe a clarity of thought is presented. Time is not a constant flow at an imperical rate. The flow of time is not dependent upon the observation of the observer and his perspective. This expiriment suggests only that the flow of time is different from different positions, of the observer. The flow of time an object experiences is dependent upon the velocity and energy values of the object and the linear trajectory of the object,upon which the observer exists, and its existence to its past and future moments.So that while it can be observed that the flow of time is different for an object as it relates to the observer this observation is not an imperical measure of the forces that the object is experienceing, with relatioship to time.
For instance a object traveling forward in linear fashion ,inline, displays a different relationship to space than a gyroscope whose rotational velocity is equal to the inline velocity of the linear object. Either object is experienceing a different flow of time. The linear object has developed a different relationship with its future positions. Tunneled into future to its future positions. And so is drawn more to itself future and less to ltself past. So the time it is experienceing is being encountered more and more as tunneling into its future as its velocity increases. The gyroscope however is becoming more and more isloated from space because its velocity cannot act lineally, in line. Its potential to all points in the future is a rotation, rotory force. So that it will fall equally to all points future in its rotational alignment. Since all velocity has been canceled in its relationship to the future,as velocity tunnels time all points are just as close as anyother point, in the gyroscopes bias plane. With no relationship to space past or future as having to do with velocity the gyroscope polarizes the space about it.
This observation suggests that tunneling of time happens on the microscopic level as mass with velocity changes its relationship with future moment of itself. The faster it travels toward itself, inline, the further it tunnels toward itself. The attractive force of itself to itself increases and mass assumes the property of momentum. Falling through time toward itself. Also the tendency to travelin line. All of its future positions are inline through time. They must be reordered by force to turn an object and so an object will experience centrifugal force.
The gyroscope is tunneling into time uniformly in its plane of bias rotation.Falling toward all points uniformly and so since it cannot move through time it will experience a strance condition of not having a relationship to its past or future in time. This will isolate it in time. If enough energy is added to its rotation , the isolation from the past and future will become so profound that gravity will not be able to penetrate the bias field. All forces act with relationship to time. If there is no time in a time isloated object then its mass cannot interact with all forces that interact with time. These observations are from my book and are not complete.Insearch of Enchantment and the Paranormal, Morgan Tucker Lake.c l998