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RE: Re: Worm Holes And Black Holes
Forum List | Follow Ups | Post Message | Back to Thread Topics | In Response To Posted by Phil on May 10, 2000 23:13:40 UTC |
What is a black hole you ask?? Well a black hole is a collapsed star. There are three stages it must go through, it must turn into a white dwarf, neutron star, and finally when the nutron star collapses, it turns into a black hole. What does a black hole do? When people think of a black hole they say “it sucks up everything in sight”. That’s not true, black holes have an event horizon where all things that enter it will get sucked in. You can enter the black hole but you will never be able to get out. Why? Because the gravity in the event horizon is so great not even light may escape from it. What makes a black hole dark, is the event horizon. What would happen to earth if the sun turned into a black hole? The earth would not be sucked in to the sun because it wouldn’t be in the event horizon. Most black holes are about 1 or 2 kilometers. The earth would stay in the same orbit. The only way the earth would fall into the sun would be if the earth’s orbit started to decline and slowly fall into the event horizon. Black holes have such a great gravitational force that time doesn’t advance or go backwards. There is a theory which time travel could be achieved through a black hole. This theory says that every object has mass and it never changes. Every object has it’s own gravitational force. The more mass the object has the more gravity it contains. So every object makes a dent in the space time. Imagine a layer of silly puddy, this silly puddy is stretched into a thin layer. You place a object into it and it stretches, but when you place a larger object in it. The object falls through making a tear. This tear would be a tear in space time. So if a ship that could withstand the gravity and the radiation, they could pass through this tear and end up in a new time. What would happen if I stepped into the event horizon? If you put one leg into the event horizon you would be pulled in and at the same time your body gets streched out. Eventually you would be pulled into spegehetti. Can you destroy a black hole? Well, I really doubt if we would ever be able to destroy a black hole. If tried to nuke it what would happen? Here’s what I think would happen. Once the nuke hit the event horizon it would be sucked in and stretched out. And since time doesn’t pass in a black hole it would never explode. If the nuke blew up before the event horizon, it would do nothing except make a spectacular explosion and all the the radiation and shrapnel passing the event horizon would be sucked in. Is a worm hole related to black holes? As a matter of fact it is. When two black holes are in the right place they tear space time so that you can travel from one place to another in a shorter amount of distance. The problem with this is the worm hole collapses very quickly after it’s creation. Worm holes could be used, but the problem is there are no technologies that could do this. Only a very technologically advanced civilization be able to harness the powers of a black hole. Can black holes get more mass? Yes, they can when they suck in a planet or another sun, their mass is added to the black hole. If this happens the event horizon will get larger. Black holes are kinda scarry but also very cool. So if you thought this was interesting, go on the net or the library to find more information on this subject.
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