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Re: Blackholes

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Posted by STARRGAZERR on April 5, 1998 21:27:46 UTC

: Hello Richard. Once a black hole forms, it doesn't matter how much matter is inside it, there will automatically be a point of infinite density (gravitation) at the core, or at the singularity. Adding more matter just increases the size of the event horizon, or more generally, makes the gravitational feild outside the black hole stronger and larger. The inside of a black hole is a very abstract thing to think about, but we do know that space is warped so extremely as to cause time to come to a near halt. Time will pass slower and slower when you get nearer and nearer the centre, but it will never stop. What state matter actually exists in while in the black hole will never be known for certain becuase the event horizon prevents us from peering inside. But we do know that the matter does NOT leave our universe. It is eventually evaporated back into our universe through processes the famous Stephen Hawking has proved. For a one gram mass black hole, the time it will take to evaporate is around 10^-27 seconds, and its temperature would be 10^26 K. For one the mass of our sun, the temp would be much much less than the cosmic background radiation and it would take many many times longer than the present age of our universe to evaporate. Anyway, you're right that a split second in there COULD be 10's, hundreds, or even billions of years out here, but it would never be an eternity. Matter inside a black hole is concetrated at the centre, called a singualrity because classicaly it would form a point of zero volume-a singular particle. This is where quantum mechanics takes over and saves us from infinite densities. Just think, if there was a point of infinite gravitation it would attract things infinitely strongly, and that is obviously bad because we would all dissappear very quickly. Because we are dealing with a singular particle .(like the electron), and we would be able to measure the energy of the black hole singularity very accurately,(like the electron energy levels of an atom) that means that the position of the singular particle making up the B.H. would be very random (just how an electron behaves in any energy level of an atom). A B.H. singularity can only be described as an infinite set of wave functions each with their own probability of existing at any certain time. Classic position fuctions can only be used for singular particles if their energy level is completely unknown, but since the presence of a black hole demands that we know its energy level very accurately....etc. etc. : Well, I think I've went completly astray with your question, or statement, or whatever it was :-), but I hope that I did more good than damage in doing so. Good day!

I don't know how long you've been studying blackholes but adding matter to the event horizon will only feed the singularity, thus making the infinite speck of a singularity in a blackhole more "tightly squeezed" Eventually the force will suck the center into a negative density and the calculation to it's density will be a negative equation. The opposite force is what causes the matter to emit itself. That is how a blackhole evaporates. Actually I can't mentally comprehend the equations mentioned above but in the books its correct. CLARIFY!!!!!!!

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