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Posted by jd/">jd on February 17, 2000 16:38:12 UTC

: : : I don't remeber where I heard this but I saw something once about how everytime something accelerates, gravity waves are emitted. The source explained how the Earth's constant (directional) acceleration around the sun was emitting gravity waves, and losing energy. This loss of orbital energy would put the earth in a lower orbit above the sun.

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: RAjesh : Let me Understand this clearly why would : earth go in Lower orbit .In fact it may go in Upper orbit.The earths Orbit is so is its because : of the sun gravitational pull. Remember Whole solar system has its own movement relative to our Galaxy.If Sun gravitational pull is decreasing due same reason you speaking off then earth may go out far away from its orbit rather than closing . : But Sun gravitational pull is increasing then your explanation holds true. : But what has earth's gravitational pull role to play in this . That may need some explanation.

: Please explain you theory now

: ****************************************************************************************************************************************************** : In about 10^63 years we will crash into the sun due to this orbital decay. (obviously the sun won't be around but if it was we would fall into it). Anyways If what I said is true then shouldn't all stars succomb to this orbital collapse and eventualy meet the black hole? Then a blackhole does eat galaxies, the bigger it gets the faster this happens. In other words the rate of consupption will only speed up rather than slow down.

: : The sun will enter a Red Giant stage in about 4 billion years-this will engulf the inner planets including earth.(some speculate some of earths moons such as europa will then have conditions similar to earth)

: : regarding blackholes engulfing galaxies-I say why not??

: : Astronomers have observerd voids in space -no stars no matter nothing-some of these voids are as large as 400 million light years across(that about 4 times the size of our Galaxy)

: : No satisfactory explanation has been offered for these -indeed observations such as this put the Big Bang theory in serious doubt.

: : I think it is fair to say is that the Universe is full of suprises and what is currently observered far out-strips current theory...

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