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Re: Endless Space True Or False

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Posted by Sam Joyce/">Sam Joyce on February 14, 2000 04:41:36 UTC

: : today i read an artical about how space may not be endless how it might just be folded in on its slef

: : is this just an visual thing or could we actually " travel east by going west" sort of deal could we go in to the deepest parts of space by going the other way so to say

: : : : how would we know what shape the universe is it gives a pretty weird disription in the magaizen but it looks kind of like a donut foled in on its self then end to end

: : : who think this is write : : who doesnt

: ***I don't know myself, but if there isn't, then we may always think there is, : Kinda like the question, Does god exist, are there universal right and wrongs... : I do not think there is an end though, space to me is nothing, and : matter resides within it, I wonder if the universe has and end, if : the light that reaches that end bounces back or goes through the ? : barrier and turns into nothing or into another form of matter, or : really does just keeps on going until it meets another : object, or at that distance, some other light... : Would this explain the seemingly spread out nature of matter? : because if space is an infinite nothingness, if some of the : energy or matter escapes the large influence of : gravity, it would be gone for good. : If not for gravity, all would be spread out in : atomic particals and there would be no conglomeration whatsoever. : I once ran into a sliding glass door, and it hurt. : Mabey this is why there are black holes, natures way of keeping : the matter rather than losing it to infinite space? : Who knows, all mainstream institutionalized ideas : are probably correct, even if they are wrong...

: : why : : pleas respond I think space and time are infinite and Relative to eachother What is the smallest know partical? can that be devided in half and that distance in half 1/2=.05/2=.75/2=375/2=.1875/2=.09375/2=.046875/2=.0234375 and so on forever if not then how far can it go? what is the largest known thing? is that the largest what about double that size?1*2=2*2=4*2=8*2=16*2=32 is there a limit? to size ? maybe if you went into space you would come out. black holes in space containe singularities which are infinitely small points, a singularity exist out side of space and time. At the ending and begining, all possibilities extend outward from the singularity in all directions maybe a singularity exist in the center micro space Our perceivable world exists between these two singularities Like wheels with in wheels Thank You God for Our time+place

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