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Re: Radiation And Light

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Posted by CL on January 13, 2000 21:20:34 UTC

What do you consider to be light??? Electromagnetic radiation travels at the speed of light to us. It then hits our body. The infrared spectrum is then absorbed by our skin which we sence as heat. The ultraviolet spectrum is also absorbed by our skin.....more heat! There is another spectrum that is absorbed by particles in our skin causing us to sence heat. But because this spectrum also vibrates little cells in our eyes that transmit a signal to our brain..... which then interprets the signal and creates an image, we call this spectrum visible light. It's not what makes light, it's how WE SENCE it. It's all made of the same "stuff"; to sensitive and we don't sence it, not sensitive enough and we still don't. It has to be in just the right slot to be "seen and not just felt. Your argument to me would insinuate that the sound frequencies we don't hear are something other than the sound frequencies we do hear; almost as if we "hear through air instantaneously at the spot where the noise is". But this in no way explains the dopler shift or the speed of sound. Ask a someone that uses sonar if we hear through sound waves instaneously to the source. Light is the same principle. Also, we once used light to measure the distance to the moon. A laser was reflected off a mirror on the moon and timed. When the light returned we plugged in the obvios equation and there was the distance. If we saw through light, then it would never have returnd. It would have made a one way trip to the moon, lit it up, and then we would've seen through it instantly; half the distance.

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