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Re: Time Travel?....To What Exactly? / OO-Universe

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Posted by HeadHurts/">HeadHurts on August 10, 1999 02:58:47 UTC

It is obvious that you are never wrong about anything, so I agree there is no further point in continuing this.

I was trying to be tactful, but the fact is that your "composition", as you call it, is just plain rubbish. Try as I might, I can't get you to back off even one your ill-reasoned premises. You seem to cherish playing the role of Mr-Know-It-All on this board, and you certainly *talk* a mean game, but if you can't see how silly your first post was, well then something's really rotten in Denmark so to speak.

In parting, I'll just leave a few quotes of what I consider to be the real *high points* of your "composition":

(Have a nice day, and try not to take yourself so damn seriously - you'll live longer)

"There is an activity each of us engages in on a daily basis that is so un-natural, so foreign to the workings of the universe, so unique, that WE may be the only beings in the entire universe that engage in it."

"But alas, we humans plod along with our decimal math because it has become so ingrained in us, we simply do not normally THINK any other way."

***But alas, oh great one, just but tell us how to mend our evil decimal ways and we shall obey!***

"This process is ingrained in us shortly after birth and we engage in it daily until we die. We are not born knowing this process, we have to be taught it. We then pass it on by teaching it to others, yet it is nonetheless a very unusual activity in terms of reality. There is nothing in nature or the universe that directly correlates to it, or that exists in any natural form one has ever identified."

"What is this enigmatic activity? DECIMAL MATHEMATICS!"

"If there are no other beings in the universe who have evolved with ten fingers, it probably does not exist ANYWHERE except on Earth in the minds of people."

"(As a Software Engineer I won't bore you with the details, but suffice it to say that computers do not perform decimal math without being 'tricked' into doing so.)"

One last question: Do people where you work throw things at you all day or what? You've got "kick me I'm a dork" written all over you ;)


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