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Re: We Can Go Beyond The Light Speed

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Posted by Justin Sammon on April 23, 1998 00:32:27 UTC

: : : : : : : Wouldn't it make sense that we could go beyond the speed of : : : : : light??? The classic example: Theoretically-- If you were : : : : : on a train going the speed of light, if a train could go the : : : : : speed of light, and you took a step forward, you would be : : : : : traveling faster than the speed of light... Wouldn't that make sense?

: : : : Roger, you can't think of the question in those terms, because (1) The train could never go at the speed of light, and (2) As you approach the speed of light, your inertia approaches infinity, so it would take an infinite amount of energy to take that incremental step forward.

: : : do we have a rule about that if we travel at the speed of light then the inertira who prevent you to take a step. in the condor the plane that can travel at mach 2 and the people don't even feel the speed after the few min. of flight??? : : : and if you were on a train traveling at the speed of light and you were walking forward to the front of it, you wouldn't be traveling faster would you ???

: : There is a big difference between mach2 and the speed of light(186,000 miles/second). The only thing that can travel at the speed of light is light it self. Anything else is too heavy. The closer to the speed of light you go the harded you have to push to acclerate, and more gravity is created. E=mc^2 implies the universal speed limit is 186,000. Which creates an infite amount of gravity and which requires an infite amount of thrust. Anything heaver then light is too heavy to be pushed at the speed of light. READ A BOOK! "A Brief History of Time" by Stephen Hawking.

: :: We can excellerate a single atom to the speed of light why could we not wxcelerate a group of atoms to and beyond the speed of light? the only problem would be reacembling the group of atoms into their original form.

What do you mean a single atom? As far as I know, we cannot excel anything towards the speed of light. Light is not made up of atoms, it is made up of thingy ma bobs (don't remember the names). I think they're photons, but I'm not too sure.

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