Hard to figure this out but looks like "floating factorisation" at this point...
factorisation: e.g. factorise 12 gives 3 x4; 1 x 12; 2 x 6.
If "unit" is an uncertainty that covers "1" and "12" (the "blanket of white light" or "positive" (light as "comparison", "white" as "all togther" or "no comparison"; cannot have "comparison + no comparison" without a specific point; a "blanket of positive specific point" is a blanket of blanket (as "positive specific point" is "point raised" so fluffed up (like a blanket); so blanket of blanket which is "tachy" (constantly pulled till an even texture).
If there is uncertainty between defining "1" and "12"; then factors of 12 become "floating" as in representing "takes' or 2-d perspectives from outside.
These "floating factors" become WAYS OF ROTATING the "12 space".
You appear to describe the universe as an apple with two cores at right angles to each other passing through the center where you stand aligned with one of the cores!
If you "move the light" (Move the comparison" along one of the axis; you get "Shrodinger's equation" i.e. a localised description of "universal" space-time i.e. a tendency toweards a limit on how much you can "pull" the whole universe out of kilter to accommodate a future built from a specific starting point inside the universe.
"Shrodinger's equation" is a "wave equation"; "wave" involves "group"; "equation" is "swap"; so "group swap"; "group swap" IS "floating factorisation" (as "factor" is something bigger i.e. a group (except that to say "1" and "12" are factors of 12 is to imply they can swap sides so implies an external observer of the 12!)
If you did both axis at the same time...
Well the act of "moving the light" along one axis IS "the same time"; so to do BOTH would cause an immediate disintegration of space into myriad points making it into a kind of 3-d jigsaw puzzle with pieces all dove-tailed.
Such a universe is now composed entirely (it would seem) of "black holes" (where "black hole" = "anywhere within limits"; each dove-tailing "log" as an individual "black hole").
This gives a "fabric".
But such a "fabric" universe is NOT functioning; just a photograph of an echo by the universe of the viewpoint of the individual ?
To function, such a universe would have to be (since it is ALREADY "wrapped up" in itself) wrapped again (so UNwrapped) (Or Einstein relativistic i.e. "running like clockwork i.e. running to a universal clock i.e. involved in a continuous information transfer with the observer individual).
The "black holes" would become asymmetric ("nowhere s within limits" ) (constantly sliding back and forth) ;
so the universe HAS SWAPPED PLACES WITH the observer (Who is now dead) .
Now "seeing" (comparing) IS synonomous with "anywhere within limits" so "Blind-sight" (or not seeing) ; so "rolled up in itself; so to "see: fabric of universe rolled up in itself" means a local limit on space-time is re-made as temporary reprieve (an "after-life")
i.e. THE INDIVIDUAL BECOMES A LOCALISED BLEEP IN SPACE-TIME i.e. swallowing the universe to stay "alive" i.e. ?