Having repeatedly been caught red handed, under fire (refer, the Parquette post preceding this one ; one of many net examples: Parquette belatedly and unabashedly provides the previously omitted source (URL address) of information he is (ineradicably) known all over the net for having attempted to pass himself off as the author of.
Mr. Parquette schizophrenically oscillates between casting hateful aspersions and projecting ('reverse confession' motivated) prodigiously gender and crotch attacking, profanity-projecting allegations on K. B. Robertson and his achievements, while on other occasions attempting to impersonate the latter and pilfer his work. (Imitation being the highest form of compliment;while plagiarization and identity theft are the swiftest route to literacal impotence and moral bankruptcy...)
The immediate above surrender of the previously omitted site source is coyly and artificially 'reconciled'; with Bkparque still compulsively going on with miserably impaired efforts to filch K.B. Robertson's entire works, or one-liners - in this case, Robertson's correctional subjection of his metaphorical daisys; ever blossoming out of *Parquette's accumulating manure pile(s).
Refer: Parrot Parquette's '3d daisys on a 4d computer fool.' A covetously frustrated, characteristically second-hand take-off on Robertson's '4-D DAISYS ON A 3-D MANURE PILE'.
(*'The most original source of plagiarized information on the net'; in Bkparque's own ('Everybody knows') anachronistically displaced demonstration of himself.
Refer, PLAY MISTY FOR ME, and other documentaries of empty headed identity theft spin-outs, would-be stalkers and co-dependently obsessive-compulsive, self-revealing, name-calling clingers.)
Concomitantly, the alternative website to the one (finally if reluctantly) released from captivity by Parquette, above, is another slightly more informative - still condensed - presentation, at gravityisthe4thdimension.com
The site at einstein.periphery.cc/ (periphery.cc/~molly) is an accumulating menu, to which other works will be added, including the immortalized and undeniably educational activities of Bkparque and many ogres like him; whose time - and pejorative methods - for honoring themselves (while shadowing and purloining the work and achievments of others) is drawing to a notably historical, self induced, undeniably impressive closure.
Thank you for reading this missive.
Sincerely, Kent Benjamin Robertson.