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The Twenty-Seven Principal

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Posted by Indigo on June 1, 2004 17:24:58 UTC

The Twenty-Seven Principal is something I dubbed the anti-thesis of poisons and antidotes.

Its logic?

To find the anti-thesis and/or anecdote to any element, add twenty-seven to the Atomic Number.

So far, I'm onto something. In all of my research for poisons/antidotes and treatments, the "Twenty-Seven Principal" WAS involved and very prevalent.

More miniscule findings are in twenty-nine as well as seventeen.

What's up with all of these odd numbers? It sounds weird and elementary at first, but I once constructed a theoretic "Anti-HIV-DNA chain" and found that all of the anti-thesis to the infected things were already being used in the treatments.

Conclusion? I'm onto something.

It's simply called the web-placement or element-placement theory. I'm not sure. I really need a chemist to help me out.

Although the number twenty-seven shows up in every poison/antidote cure and/or anti-thesis I've researched so far, it never gives me an exact number or an exact equation.

Twenty seven IS prevalent, but there are OTHER elements as well, causing molecules.

As to why the antidote for Arsenic (An Element) Poisoning is Prussian Blue (A compound), I am not sure - though I am testing out all of the possibilities.

1. An experiment consisting of smelted copper poured on Mercery.
2. Would the electrons orbiting the nucleus have anything to do with it (I'm quite sure they do)?
3. What is the chemical make up of our enzymes and what is the equation that all elements must pass through that causes them to change or to aquire extra elements?

6 CO2 + 6 H2O + light energy =======> C6 H12 O6 + 6 O2.

In other words - I think that equation has a LOT to do with my problem. I really NEED a chemist to try and test this out.

If "The Twenty-Seven Principal" can be coded into mere elements, then they can be coded into molecules as well. If they can be coded into molecules, retro-viruses can be constructed against any disease known to man....

Anti-thesis is a code. That is my hypothesis. Getting 0=0 is the ultimate result. I believe that everything in this universe has an anti-thesis, and that there is a code to finding it.


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