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Time Machines (Follow Up To MOG)

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Posted by James Lyons-Weiler on April 4, 2004 13:10:35 UTC

>Posted by Michael Gutchess on January 10, 2003 20:52:10 UTC:

original post :
>So when I say that magnetism and gravity are of similar nature, that magnetism is nothing more than an amplified form of gravity...

This is an interesting though, worth following up I think.

If magnetism is a form of gravity, then let's consider Einstein's position that gravity is a warping in time-space caused by mass.

This means that when we make an electromagnet, we're creating "magnetic gravity", and we are warping time-space.

If we accept that Einstein's position is correct that

gravity = warp in time-space

and then speculate, for fun, that

time = warp in gravity-space

we can understand that time is only 'knowable' by changes in the relative position of masses to each other.

This leaves me wondering if time progresses faster in some magnetic fields than others.

A simple experiment: Create electromagnetic fields of varying strengths, some cohorent (N-S :::::: N-S orientation) and some opposing (N-S :::::: S-N). Place an all-plastic or all-wooden time-piece in each field, and then observe whether the time pieces record time at different rates compared to a time-piece not placed in such a field.

Imagine 'slowing time down' in one such field (or any other time-warping machine) so much (relative to the field we are in). We could place something we would like to preserve indefinately in the zero time capsule in one year, and then, years later, pull it out. As we reached into 'the past' and pull it 'into its future' we would find the item completely preserved. Are these the food storage containers of the future?

The other relation,

space = warp in gravity-time

is somewhat abstract but I think it's the relation that suggests similar experiments, most of which were expored by Einstein and require traveling at the speed of light.



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