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I Think Dr. Datta Makes A Valid Point

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Posted by Wonderer on May 1, 2003 01:42:25 UTC

By asking us to go over the old concept of Ether, Dr. Datta makes a valid judgement. Being a student of physics for 10 years, I also have felt that we have failed to account for the dark matter. It could be the ether that Dr. Datta talks about and also called WIMP now. We are looking for it and it's interaction with light would change the way we take relativity theory .. more specifically General Theory of Relativity. For your ease, I have changed the annoying font of Dr. Datta. ....

The writeup follows,

The writeup presented below is a very brief note on the monumental work created on some obvious misjudgements by newton -- einstein -- in their theory of gravity or relativity or we may even question our mathematical frame in the form of calculus to go ahead in the path of modern physics
contradictions in modern physics for immediate attention on the highway of physics kepler was the first to suggest that all bodies attract each other with a force proportional to their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. Newton introduced it to quantitatively describe the gravitational attraction of physical bodies in the law of gravitation f=g mxm/ rxr according to him gravitation is a force. We never bothered to explain why there is a force between neutral physical bodies when entropy of the universe is increasing. So when force is also f= mxa, therefore for a falling body when the height is continuously decreasing , gravitational force is increasing to increase the rate of acceleration as f=mxa when f has a increasinig trend . The law says force will be very high when r tends to zero. But we know from experiment that acceleration due to gravity is constant. How it is possible if the law is correct. Where is the proof of this law or the phenomena of attraction. Just by observing that an object is falling we can not say there is a gravitational force. Russian scientist lomonosov introduced the idea gravitational matter and in my opinion ether and gravitational matter are nothing but same thing. I can prove that there is a stage of existance when nutral matter is formed in between matter and antimatter. So ether is not easily detectable as it is very light with hidden energy non interacting filling our universe. This illusive neutral matter is responsible for gravitational phenomena and creates a gravitational force in formation of all universal physical constants as well as responsible for the missing mass of the universe. So far we have never asked why avogadros law speaks of containing the same number of molecules or why there is a limit in absolute coldness. We can not explain entropy in real terms when we deal with kinetic theory of gases. Our basic investigating tools in the form of newtons law or relativity theory or boltzmans kinetic iheory - all are to be abandoned mere repair and renovation will not help. Because the basic concept is wrong in newtons law or einsteins relativity theory. Once i have said that i must explain why relativity theory is wrong. Kindly bear with me as the explanation is crystal clear. Michelsons experiment with the existance of ether and velocity of light is well known and accepted as proof relativity theory or i can assume that einstein developed his theory from the wrong understanding but accurate enough to explain certain cosmological events. First of all when photons fly in space we can not add velocity of inertia frames as photons are nearly massless. We can apply galilean addition in case of a bullet fired from a running inertia frame. Velocity addition here is justified due to inertia mass of bullet but in case of photon fired from a inertia frame this is not permitted logically. Also a similarity often cited when we encounter velocity of sound in different velocity of air and its effect on sound velocity. Michelson also thought motion of earth around the sun should produce an apparent motion of the ether-- the so called ether wind as we see air wind in a running train even though air itself is at rest. The outcome of experiment will be similar in case of sound velocity and velocity of light will be different. So he was surprised to see that light velocity is not changing what ever may the direction of focus. Eistein declared that galilean transformation is the culprit. Let us think of an example- a fish is swiming downstream and upstream in a river. The observed velocity of fish will be different in these two cases and galilean velocity addition is prfectly correct. Now the fish is swiming in a very thin nonviscous oil so we will see that upstream or downstream velocity of fish is nearly equal. Apply galilean transformation and say as einstein said galelean transformation is the culprit. We can say in both the cases whether fish is swiming in thin oil or photon is flying in ether- galilean transformation should not be applied in the first place- thats all--no further assumption. But einstein assumed so many things in it as an outcome of the simple expriment. He assumed velocity of light is an universal constant. This assumption has no basis at all. Michelson declared that there is nothing called ether. This is also not correct. And the velocity of light as the limiting velocity in the universe has no proof what so ever. . Here einsteins cleverly applied his trick to get rid of galilean transformation and replace it with lorntz transformation which is totally wrong to appease velocity of light as universal constant. Actually the scientist community instead of asking a few basic questions were hyptonised by the drama and magic of lorentz transformation and non eucleadian geomeyry effect in the theory of relativity. Space contration , time dilation--confusion in past, present and future all absurd explanation diluted the main issue that when photon jumps from a inertia frame no inertia velocity addition as in the case of a bullet or sound wave when moves with air as thought of is allowed for obvius reason that photon has no inertia mass or the ether is carrying the photon as we see in case of sound waves in air. Ether is a o level matter in between matter and anti matter and there is no known method to detect it so far except its hidden energy which we notice when we see popping up of positron and electron in vaccum. Or gravitational negative pressures on physical bodies which we call gravitational force. Now with the help of lorentz transformation and non eucleadean geometry the universe has become a magical drama with time machine, time dilation, space contraction, etc etc --all sorts of paradoxes and magic. But within a limited domain of moderate gravitation the relativity theory and the theory of gravitation there was no contradictions. There fore i have tried to explain that einsteins relativity theory is a theory by default and it has very limited domain of application. If we have to explore the truth of the universe then we have to invent a theory based on avogadros law in conjunction with gravity matter or ether and plancks hypothesis. In fact all universal constants is to be studied together to find out the link in the formation of the universe. By simply observing spectral lines or 3degree kelvin we can not conclude that our universe is originated fromm bigbang. Present entropy of the universe is an indication of 3degreekelvin phenomena. We may have to return to our basics with the definition of space,matter , energy, field etc. As per my home work i am finding my calculation donot agree with the bigbang theory or origin of time or any space limitation in the universe. Rather it suggests that universal physical constants are changing to create an evolution in the rate of change of time and overall entropy of the universe and direction of time which we only see in our concept of entropy. In fact i have found that the basic ideas in the development of different laws and universal physical constants are not very convincing enough and unless our modern physics is reinvented in a more solid ground , we can not expect a true science. How ever the application in engineering do not require very fine tuning of physics and we can always use our present knowledge to develop instruments to the process of fine tuning. If we look at the kinetic theory of gases and the use of barometric formula by boltzman which says concentration of air molecules as a function of height with out proper application of gravity or blindly copying maxwells velocity distribution function applicable for all gases can not give a true picture in the world of gas molecules. Therefore we see an approximation and not the exact. A theory should be more accurate here avogadros law and my new gravity matter theory can help us to understand micro world and i am woking on the mathematics of it. My present work is intersting in many ways from the view point of an engineer where i have questioned many areas of modern physics for easy assumtions and vagueness. Two centuries after the discovery of newtons law and a century after the wrong formulation of einsteins relativity theory and developments of einsteins theory of gravitation we are ignorant abuout the secrets of the phenomena of gravitation.
We do not really know exactly whether light is a electromagnetic phenomena and my calculations suggest it is not an electromagnetic phenomena alone. Controversies on the hypothesis of ether is not yet settled and a lot of excitement can be stored if we can prove that light is not electromagnetic wave and the corpuscular nature of light as described by einstein in his photo electric theory by assuming elastic collision of photon and the application of classical idea of conservation of energy and momentum can not explain the real phenomena but again a default theory is born to explain certain experiments. According to my work light is a wave due to to inter action of \ or vibration of gravity matter by some energy source – which may be electro or magnetic or any oteher. And the energy which creates the vibration in gravity matter imparts a frequency on the wave as per the plancks law. So we are arriving at a similar conclusion through a different approach and i am ready to submit all my calculations on this new approach will remove the elastic collision theory and conservation of momentum approach of einstein which atleast i can not think of in case micro level elasticity or how can you think of a momentum of a photon. The idea of einsteinn is another classis example of default theory on wrong assumption but accurate enough to predict experimental results. I have already explained that light wave can not be deflected by moderate gravity except in very strong gravity or enhanced or retarded as we think of in case of sound in air. Sound can be stopped by removing air but we donot know much about the interaction of energy and gravity matter as it is neither matter or antimatter. Certain elementary particles like nutrino may be investigated further. A new kind of physics is to be created which will be to produce a unified theory of natural world and physicists are in constant search which will direct the future research and the answer lies in our understanding of gravity matter and propagation of light in the beginning of our understanding space- time -- and boundless universe.. We have not yet covered io percent continuous never-to-end attacks on the strongholds of nature. In my opinion the present system of approximation in our differential and integral calculus and the application of limits theorem require a major relook so that our calculation and cosmological observation tally to represent the true nature of reality by mathematical analysis. Our present day mathematics is many ways contradictory to understand the universe as my calculations on many universal physical constants definitely indicate that possibility. We have to repair our mathematical knowledge if we want to extract prdictions out of it as well as confirmation of our theories. I am interested to work in your project in grvity probe. If invited i can submit all my calculation and home work which i have created for the last two years after my voluntary retirement from government power sector. I am an engineer by profession with an engineering degree. Author-- durgadas datta b.e.

thanking you.

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