Sorry, I have not followed your work on this forum.
I understand that the Unified Field has never been found in Conventional Physics. How do you justify its existence for your "fleeting instant" particles, which I presume are the same as Conventional Physics "virtual particles?
I call them e-m "Rogue Waves" in the Aether. The physics for Rogue Waves at sea is well-known.
And exactly what aspects of physics do you see it as unifying?
It is interesting that the magazine Natural History, 11/02, has an article: Einstein's Universe. In it Einstein's prediction for starlight deflection by the Sun, is compared to what Newton's would be. Einstein predicted twice what Newtonian physics would predict (they say), and Einstein was eventually proven right within a margin of 1.5%. "Einstein's calculations, however, also took into account the hypothesized curvature of space, and called for deflection twice as big as Newton's did."
Now I don't know just how curvature was taken into account by him.
But one can readily see that if my aether-refraction hypothesis is correct, the lightwaves of starlight are twice refracted because of the aether-density increase around the Sun; once as it enters, and again; in the same direction, as it leaves the area of compression. This is because light always refracts toward the denser medium, and the concentric curve of the aether compression effectively reverses from the other side of the Sun to this side.
This can be readily seen by sketching a circle for the Sun, and a concentric circle outside of that to represent: the curve-of-the-aether-compression to space-normal-density; interface. Then drawing the path of a section of light wave through it.
That is a simplistic schematic representation, of course, not the actual curves of gradual refraction-deflection.
It is not as with light refracting at one side of flat window glass, then being restored in direction-vector upon emergence from the other side. |