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Posted by J Raymond Redbourne on November 2, 2002 13:17:00 UTC

1. I do not agree with the existence of antimatter. This was invented to explain certain awkwardness in Inflation Theory, in particular. The Inflation Theory was invented to explain certain awkwardness in Expansion Theory. The Expansion Theory was invented to explain certain awkwardness in astronomical observations, viz: the General Redshift of Starlight. The awkwardness of this was generated by the misinterpretation of the Michelson Morley experiment of 1887, which almost singlehandedly ejected the aether from theory. Because there was no aether through which light waves could wiggle, the photon particle was invented; having inherent structural integrity. Then there was the problem of stretching it: Was it stretched at the Source as with Doppler? But now they say it is stretched in transit by the expansion of the universe. All of this is trashed by the simple re-installation of the aether as the fabric of space: The universe is simply in stable orbit about its own center of mass. No Singularity, Big Bang, Inflation, Expansion, Re-Acceleration, or Death by Expansion-to-Dissolution and Star Burnout.

2. Gravity Force is generated by the Mutual Shading of any two bodies in the universe, from Ultra-Low Frequency, Wave Dispersed electromagnetic waves, bouncing in toward us from the periphery of the great ball of aether that is our particular universe within the Greater Void. E-M waves carry momentum, some of which is expended against the body, and impels that body. Mutual Shading provides a "corridor" of shade, that reaches all the way across the universe (in addition to the Near effect). That is why the universe of matter is bound together in spite of Newtonian gravity dropping off as distance squared. And Dark Matter is not required to explain the stars' velocity-distribution curve in spiral galaxies.

3. Matter does not have gravity "pull". Matter is pushed together by Mutual Shading. Newton avoided the use of terms like "pull" and "attraction", because he didn't know what the mechanism is. When the term is endlessly repeated today by professionals, it is without any justification whatever. Einstein simply ignored the need for a gravity mechanism, when he invented Relativity. But he relented later in his life, and said that the aether must exist, because (he said) electromagnetic phenomena require it.

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