Email from Joel: "I am curious as to what you have done to promote your theory?"
I have discussed it on forums, which increases the hit rate on the website. It seems there are many who visit forums, but sit in the bleachers without posting any comments. I have distributed 20 copies of the 8th edition of my book, to people like the Nobel Prize Committee; actually the Swedish university that does evaluations for them. I've informed university people all around the world of the website, and gotten back some responses. I have lodged one copy in a Public Library. I must have made an impression on some people: I have been addressed as Dr. by several, and I was invited to present a paper in Italy this coming year. Very satisfying for a guy with Grade 10 education.
I need to rearrange the beginnings of my Topics such that the Web Crawlers will pick out better key words for people on Google, etc. And many of them need to be rewritten anyway.
I am rewriting the book, both for the Net, and for printing. This time it's titled Aether Physics, an Introductory Course. The only way it will begin to displace Relativity, is to get it out in the bookstores to the general public.
Relativity is like a religion to many professional people. They repeat it like a belief, even accepting impossible paradoxes as simply part of the system. The general public is very well educated, and interested in these things, as the popularity of A Brief History of Time indicates. But I have to change the presentation considerably, to make it easier to follow and pick up quickly, and make it more entertaining.
I have one final Topic I'm working on, which has to do with the energy of an accelerated particle at close to c. The claim is that the energy value can only be explained by Relativity. It is very complex, but I'm making progress.
The two main points in my Aether Physics justification so far, are the invalidation of the Michelson Morley experiment, which ejected the aether from physics;- and the explanation of why kinetic energy is proportional to v-squared, which proves aether existence separately. My Quantum Gravity and the rest of it, then have more credibility.
It really has to be a soft sales pitch: Attention, Interest, Conviction, Desire, Close.
And I think it is reasonable that I should be held to discipline in both the theory and promotion.
I'm posting this answer on Superstrings and Astronomy.Net forums.