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Re: Where Do Things That Go Into Blackhole's Go?
Forum List | Follow Ups | Post Message | Back to Thread Topics | In Response To Posted by mike on January 20, 1998 10:21:46 UTC |
: : : : : : : : : : I would like to know where things go when they go inside a blackhole. This question has puzzeled me for a long time. : : : : : E-mail me the answer please. : : * : : * : : The question "where" implies that there is some concept of a destination that is arrived at or that something "enters" a black hole. The better question is simply "what happens" to an object as it approaches and makes contact with the event horizon of a black hole. First, an "extended object", that is anything with dimensions beyond being just a point, will have to pass through space that is warped by the intense gravity of the black hole as it approaches it. This means that the surface of the object that is closer to the black hole will experience greater gravitational pull than the surface further away; this is known as a "tidal force" ( for example, an atronaut's feet are being pulled harder than his head if he is entering feet-first.) This will physically stretch the object and ultimately pull it apart; by the time it is entering the plack hole it has literally been ripped into atoms.The other physically destructive aspect of this is what happens to information that enters a black hole. Only two kinds of information can exist inside the event horizon: monopoles (such as mass or charge) and dipoles (such as simple magnetic poles.) The higher level dynamics that define complex structures such as atoms and molecules are lost. In a sense, matter is greatly "simplified" by entering a black hole, and any complex physics are lost. Since there is no high-level dynamics at play inside, there are no complex interactions possible, so we will not see any sort of complexity, chaos, reactions or processes of any sort going on, ie. no evolution, no mind, etc. : : If, as some believe, a black hole is a passage to another point in the universe, or an other universe entirely (say, by way of a "white hole" or wormhole) it would be this informationally simplified product that would be ejected; a black hole would be a kind of entropic engine turning information and matter into heat and radiation, which is an interesting idea. : Blackholes and Quazars are Engines of The Universe : coming and going from ANOTHER UNIVERTSE. So simple : I don't believe in the bigbang,it is a nobang. : The Universe was allways their and it will be, : The Blackholes and Quazars hadbeen put in their to keep : the Universe going for the Infinite , including : every thing in the Universe ,Energy and Matter. : It is something else more than matter,100% true.
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