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Posted by Eric on September 18, 2002 23:52:22 UTC

Here is the story:

In order for a sun to collaps into a black hole, it has to first expend all its nuclear energy. The mass of the sun would have to be a few times greater than the mass of our sun.

Yes a black hole can consume an entire planet, reguardless of its size. However, the larger the size of the black hole, the less violent the process. For instance, if the earth were to fall into the super massive hole at the center of our galaxy, it would probebly pass though the event horizon with out a sound untill it reached the singularity. But if there was say a 4 solar mass hole, the earth would be ripped apart by tidal forces as it got closer, becoming a thin disk of super heated material around the hole, slowly being consumed over a length of time.

It is not likely that a planet will fall into a small black hole unless its orbit around the dead star is disturbed by another object.

As far as galaxy collisions, there would not likely be any effect to our solar system, except having the system booted from the galaxy leaving us alone in space in an intact solar system (make for a dark nite time sky) There is a very slight chance of another massive object passing though our system, which would not be good. But we would have MILLIONS of years to find a new, safer home in the case of this happening.

So you can rest easy at nite :)

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