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Posted by CHICKNAC on March 4, 2002 03:42:04 UTC

I started asking MYSELF WHY since still NOW all explanations are based on seeing the phenomenon happening .Explaining how this happens and never why in first place. Take for ex.1)Electric current is said to be flow of electrons from high potential to low potential and thats the end of it.But why does it do so.. only answer is to this it happens and SO BE IT. and this phenomenon is used in day to day,2)BLACK HOLES are for instance is huge mass into confined space.Hence they tremendous gravitational force which can suck in everything. But what is reason of mass having gravitational force in first place.3)MAGNETISM EXISTS But whats reason of its existence . Dipole structure theory is all okay why the attraction.There are many such things which can be debated..Only answer to this WHYS is we change our mindset in using all things thats proven to exist and create A ALTENATIVE SCIENCE which will ponder into things so deep that all the WHYS have answer rather than saying phenomenon exists....If we get ULTIMATE TRUTH WE WILL BE ABLE TO GRAVITITIONAL FORCE which of course will help us in creating anti gravititional force And so on. Black holes will never be puzzle nor will Universe Creation .Only if solve all the WHYS in right direction....Start UNbelieving in all theories so existed so far... 1) E != mc2 2) f != ma so on ..Start a alternative science.. Since all above theories lead to one certainity things happen and show the things happening with explanation. But never WHY is it happpening in first place. All above theories are CONCLUSIONS never in first place the TRUTH.FOR TRUTH NEED OF THE HOUR IS ALTERNATIVE SCIENCE.

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