That's a good idea; Einstein's constancy of speed of light as an example of 1 + 1 = 1! Thanks for that; The answer "1" is a different dimension-view of the situation, I guess.
Speed of light c is apparantly a ratio; the faster you chase after a light beam the more your view of its speed is altered such as to compensate your own speed's effect to still give you a constant value for perceived light speed.
Have to write this up better; am working on it.
Dick's explanation somewhere else of constancy of c makes it appear that it works through two groups of compensating fractional changes giving a fixed ratio; so fits that mandelbrot relativity idea.
Note that for something to exist, it must be different from other things, so not equal to them, in at least one way; or it would not exist but just be another name for that other thing that it might be the same as. So a "non-equivalence principle".
Two things the same in one dimension can be different in another dimension so still have a difference.
To give you some idea what I'm writing up, some more curious phrases: A double helix in physics: the DNA of mathematics and physics; The 19 constants in physics standard model- how about 20- call these constants inter-dimensional ratios?- the 20 amino acids of biology reflected in physics- building blocks of our universe-"protein"- quark neurology- "base jumping" in mandelbrot-space- neuron-firing in physics: quantum jumps in a mandelbrot relativistic space; photon children and parents; wavey flat-land as fractal dimensions of flat-land; wavey 3D-space as fractal dimensions of 3-D space; fractal hyperspace; double-speed light; gravity as a fractal left-over of almost compensating two speed positive and negative gravity (make an adjustment and fly about like superman or ride a hoverboard- surfing the fractal expansion of the universe; walk through walls by musical-chairs synchronization by "seeing inside" 3D-space; two-speed strong force; two-speed weak force; two speed speed of light; two speed magnetic force; two speed electric force; consciousness as inter-dimensional awareness where equality in a lower dimension is seen from a higher dimension; teleportation; physics constants as fractal curves; disconnecting from the gravitational field; past-future cells; hypertime; base-jumping in mandelbrot-space (with a fractal parachute?) between three mandelbrot structures; one of them being the difference between the other two....
Well I have a lot of explaining to do! Fun to try out ideas...
-dolphin |