. Keep in mind: space and time were shown to be linked by motion and especially the speed of light... what phenomenon could link temperature to space, as if it were a dimension?
Sure there is such phenomenon - called thermoconductivity. Links space and temperature via temperature gradient: grad T = (id/dx + jd/dy + kd/dz)T
So, according to you then temperature is a dimension too, huh?
We know we're watching a pendulum in reverse if the amplitude of its swing increases over the course of our viewing.
Incorrect. According to laws of physics, amplitude decreases. Physics is NOT a VCR tape.
In a nutshell... fast moving clocks move slower through time than do clocks at rest. When the speed of light is approached, clocks seem to stop. It's as if we all move at the speed of light through space-time... and all of those who are at rest, move through time with the speed of light. All those moving through space at the speed of light, have ceased to "move through time".
Again incorrect. And several mistakes in this statement. 1). Fast moving clocks do not MOVE through time. 2)Fast moving clocks do not run SLOWER than clocks on the ground. They run with EXACTLY THE SAME rate as clocks on the ground. Proper time (rate of run of moving clock) does NOT depend on velocity of clock AT ALL. What depends on velocity is rate of clock AS SEEN by non-moving observer. Just switch observer's system of reference and now he sees OPPOSITE - non-moving clocks run SLOWER and moving run normal. So, which time is "slow" now? Proper time DOES NOT depend on state of motion.
Speed of light through space = no motion through time, speed of light through time = no motion through space. For all speeds between these upper and lower extremities, choose appropriate conversion factor...(Lorentz transformation coefficient).
Complete nonsense as rate of clock run does not depend on state of motion. Move with c or any other speed - still the same "rate of time".
Your problem is that you read popular literature and Lorents transformations without thinking and analysing. |