Alexander- I posted this reply below but reposted it here where it s not buried so deep:
"Survival of the fittest" is not as accurate as "Survival of the best MATCH of two or more patterns"
There are bacteria growing near volcanic hot geothermal activity, that are the same as they were a billion years ago or something.
They are well matched to patterns in their environment, so they do not need to change.
Paul Davies in "The Fifth Miracle" shows that no proof is available to claim that life is chemistry.
New "information laws" and "information forces" need to be found to explain such "specific randomness" as DNA.
The desire to exist appears to deliver logical consequences (one may argue thay are freely chosen); you call the logic "math"; the whole of math is built on the logic of comparing and matching patterns. Math is the science of pattern; but pattern-match logic is more basic than what we call 'math'.
Do you agree that anything in physics can be represented by reducing it to layers of 3 in 1 patterns where three 'jump event fields' (like musical chairs games) are connected by 'joining the dots' (hence creating a new field of jump events- 'joining the dots' is just 'musical chairs' at 'right angles' to the three 'musical chairs' games)? A phenomenon occurs where at least two fields are combined by a third field to give 'stationary' object (conserved pattern).
Thus now three fields; can deliver a fourth; all might grow (fourth might be combined with two other 'fourths from elsewhere' to give a new 'threesome' and so on; reminiscent of a mandelbrot set. |