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Posted by Mark on September 7, 2001 20:41:56 UTC

There are mathematical models of the insides of blackholes, but we rely on faith .... not observational experiment .... that the theory holds under these EXTREME conditions. This my friend, is where we mathematicians and scientists, fault religious faiths and philosophers. What if there is a theory that does to Einstein's GR what he himself did to Newton's "Philosophić Naturalis Principia Mathematica", and in effect shows Einstein's theory to be a special case approximation where mass is relatively large and distance is vast....? Einstein revised Newton's theory to make it consistent with relative observers, Maxwell's Electromagnetic Theory, and the resultant EXTREME case of the velocity of light ...... say somebody revised Einstein's theory to make it consistent with Planck's constant, EXTREMELY high energies, and miniscule mass & distance scales ... and gravity is quantized, explained by a wave function. We all are aware of the discrepency between GR and Quantum Field Mechanincs; what if there is some kind of "reverse quantum phase shift" within the event horizon that causes the reunion of two field forces.... then the gravitational field, as explained by GR, would no longer adhere to our currently accepted model of gravity. Perhaps this new, odd quantum force, is an "extra strength" and perhaps even repulsitory, "electrogravitational" field. If this new force were repulsitory, it could prevent matter from ever encountering a singularity; as the center of the blackhole would now repel matter rather than rip it to shreds. Maybe the matter collapses violently ... the new forces are created as a consequence ... and all of the sudden the matter actualy reverses course and expands violently. The matter, however, will never escape the blackhole. It just continues to expand for many eons in the alterred elapsing time of the blackhole. The repulsive gravity will continue pushing the matter away from the center ... until it reaches a limit where the matter loops back through the closed geodesics far off (to what we percieve as the closed geodesics of the event horizon) ... and symetrically appears to now force the matter into collapsing ... attracting the matter toward the center; (Could this process be viewed as a big bang and then big crunch......I wonder). In this "new and improved" blackhole, no singularity would exist; effect: doing away with all associated paradoxes and relieving all the poor physicists of their headaches.

Or maybe even....

Say for the sake of argument that string theory is so far correct, although incomplete. Since string theory encompasses a quantized field theory of gravity, then this is a more relevant description of the force field of gravity than is GR. In fact it would follow that GR itslef could be a special case, and can be derived by the "even more general" string theory, given the applicable parameters. Now say that there actualy are 26 dimensions and 4 just happpen to be "unfolded". Since according to GR ... at the event horizon of a blackhole, all spacetime geodesics are closed loops ... perhaps it follows that this can be compared to "curling up dimensions" in string theory. What if there is a conservation law for the number of folded and unfolded dimensions? ... so it just happens that as spacetime curls up ... a different version of spactime unfolds. If spacetime is said to be elastic, how "stretchable" is this new spacetime? This would surely have a profound effect on the propagation of the gravitational field, should spacetime be any "tighter" or "flimsy".

Now tell me we have a mathematical model for this new version of spacetime ................

If you can't reply to that request .... then I ask you ....
Is a new mathematical model applicable? Can this new spacetime be considerred a universe in its own right? ... with its own laws of physics? Should quantum physics be alterred in any respect since it is now our universe that is the "curled up dimensions". What if the "new quantum gravity" in this new universe, is carried by intermediate particles that have mass? ... in effect making gravity one of the strong, short range forces; (as opposed to our very feeble infinitely ranged gravity). Einstein can't help us much with this one..........

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