Physics notes. Kent Benjamin Robertson Copyright © 1999, ‘85, ‘70.
Infinite Smallness - in 4 dimensions, is just as endless as infinite largeness, continued:
*‘Xeno’s (alleged) paradox.’ (*’If you keep cutting the distance in half, between point A and point B, you never get from point A to point B’.)
In reality, a person or thing can - and does - move from point A to point B.
Whereas, in a purely geometric, 3-D consideration, the advance of point A enroute point B, never arrives at it’s destination, because the geometric 3-D consideration leaves out the 4th coordinate of time.
As does the ‘big bang theory’.
O degrees Kelvin - Absolute Zero - is (so far) unachieved in the laboratory.
Word is, that laboratory experiments in cryogenics have come ‘very cl˜ose’ to Absolute Zero (the cessation of all motion - molecular and atomic - in a given material system).
On the other hand, ‘very close’ to Absolute Zero, is indeed a relative term. A tenth, thousandth, ten thousandth or hundred thousandth of a degree (Kelvin or Fahrenheit) sounds impressively ‘very close’ to achievement of Absolute Zero: until the consideration of the relativity of infinite smallness in 4-Dimensional space-time is taken seriously into the allegory and deceptively apparent ‘very close’ approaches to Absolute Zero.
Yesterday’s 4-dimensionally considered mile is much smaller, when compared with today’s 4-dimensionally considered mile. The day before yesterday’s mile is even smaller than yesterday’s or today’s mile.
Yet,ˆ in context of the moment of time the measurement is made, in these A, B, C moment considered coordinate systems, they are all the same value, relative to the 4-D frame of time and space they are measured in.
In the 4-D space-time continuum, yesteday’s 60 miles per hour, is not today’s. Today’s mile is larger, and today’s miles per hour is faster, when compared with yesterday’s. The same is true of the speed of sound or light. These remain constant, yet are always increasing with the size of the coordinates system they are measured in. The value time, varies, with the comparative and ever changing - physically expanding - value of the coordinate system it is measured in. Time is motion. Motion occurs in - requires - space.
This applies tÙo all standards of space and time measurement. This same consideration is applicable to coming ‘very close’ to Absolute Zero. The reason Absolute Zero probably never will be achieved... Yesterday’s 72 degrees Fahrenheit, is not today’s; today’s is not tomorrows. All three temperature measurments, occuring in moment’s A, B and C. Are the same, relative to the coordinate system they are measured in, and different, only when compared to themselves in different moments of space-time. The values are constantly changing - yet remain constant - in the 4-D space-time continuum.
The past 4-D space-time continuum, is comparatively ‘very small and dense’, when compared to the present. The present dimensional size of space and material objects at large, Ù is comparatively very small and dense, when compared with the future-projected physical dimensions of the universe or any four dimensionally expanding portion of it...
For the same reason that Xeno’s paradox suffers from leaving out the 4th coordinate of time. As does the ‘big bang theory’.
The same misunderstanding is preventing the realization that the alleged ‘microcosmic nuclear binding forces’, are simpy and inevitably a miniaturized manifestation of macrocosmic gravitational forces. Gravity is said to occur for the most part, only in the realm of the very large. How wrong a 3-diminsionally stuck-fixated scientist (who says he acknowledges Einstein’s 4-D space-time continuum) can be, and for what schizoid, unscientific reasons.