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Re: Re: Re: Please Re-phrase This Statement Richard.

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Posted by J Raymond Redbourne on March 10, 2001 03:07:36 UTC

Picking on apparent, and unspoken anthropocentrism, as displayed by the professionals is one of my favorite passtimes. It goes like this: The Hubble Deep Field photo, that took ten days to expose, supposedly shows galaxies back to less than one billion years after the supposed Big Bang, which supposedly occured ~15 billion years ago. There is supposedly nothing out past this, according to current, popular theory. but the astronomers also claim we can see out to ~14/15 billion lightyears in all directions. This places us rather surprisingly at the exact center of their universe. This has to be the most outrageous cooking of the mathematical books I have ever seen. It's almost as bad as adjusting the age of the universe to fit the supposedly maximum age of the supposedly oldest stars. Since Alexander is familiar with mechanics, then you know that when an explosion has occured, there is a large, empty hole right where it occured. We should be sitting in that large hole right now, according to popular theory. We are painfully obviously not a hole. The Singularity, Big Bang, Inflation, Expansion and Acceleration of the Universe THEORY, is based upon one interpretation of the redshift of starlight; that it is Doppler shift of "photon particles". This is a misinterpretation based upon the Michelson-Morley flawed experiment, which was "confirmed" by the Non-Skewed Lightwaves flawed experiment. It is an extreme case of force-fitting the awkward facts into a favorite theory. Fresnel, Poisson and Arago proved beyond doubt that light is a wave, and therefore requires a medium, as Einstein also said after he published his most famous works trying to adapt to the MM Ex etherless debacle. This remarkable mathematician knew his theories were in trouble. He said there must be an ether. He spent his latter years persuing what he called the Unified FIELD theory. There is no standing argument against the existence of the ether, but everything in support of it. With the ether back in place, redshift of starlight is by simple non-linear wave dispersion, rather than linear Doppler shift of velocity/shift at source. This accounts for being the same in all directions, and for the apparent acceleration of apparent expansion. It does not require some kind of weird anti-gravity or dark energy to explain it. I suggest that gravity is a push-together force caused by Ultra-Low Frequency, wave-dispersed electromagnetic waves. There is nothing strange in this, it fits standard physics principles taught in university on basic courses. There are two major effects for gravity. 1. The short-range Newtonian, drops off as the square of the distance. 2. The other effect is permanent shading, which reaches right across the universe, just like light. It is this that is responsible for the higher thaqn expected orbital velocities of stars within spiral galaxies. The explanation here given also explains why gravity force acts at the speed of light. There is therefore no support for the Big Bang Theory. Alternately, the only way for this universe of celestial bodies not to collapse upon itself gravitationally, is for it to be in stable orbit about its own center of mass, as is amply demonstrated right in our own neighborhood. Where is that center? It is a very real problem to identify it because we have no outside reference point for comparison. With our solar system and galaxy, we have outside references, so we can see our location within the whole. But with the universe in general rotation, and us going with it, there is no differential velocity to perceive. This is like sitting on an old phonograph record at one point, where it is impossible to observe other points on the record to be able to determine general velocity and center (without cheating).

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