Gravity Is The 4th Dimension "That is an unprecedented statement. The only
thing gravity and the 4th Dimension are presently recognized to have in
common as far as academic physics is concerned, is what is not known about
them. Specifically: neither gravity nor the 4th Dimension has ever been non
mathematically identified. It is acknowledged that they exist, it is mathematically
and elaborately de-scribed what they do, but it is not and it has never been
comprehended what they are. On the other hand, it is my intention to generate
and popularize only one particularly prominent and inevitable question around
the unprecedented statement that Gravity Is The 4th Dimension, and that
question is. Didn't we know that before? And, if not: why not? If the statement,
'Gravity is the 4th Dimension' is incorrect, why has it never been disqualified? No
one is being asked, neither of course is anyone obliged to accept or believe that
gravity is the 4th Dimension. When any one at any time finds this statement
seriously credible it is never because I said so, or due to the introduction of a lot
of new or ponderous ideas. The statement is found credible when it is revealed
and recognized as the inevitable and quite over-whelming import of a wealth of
simple, fundamental and familiar facts. Well known but hitherto unrelated facts,
which, when related, reveal quite unexpected but equally unavoidable,
imminent and overdue; still remarkably unrecognized (and as we shall see,
stub-bornly and apocryphally denied) conclusions. Terra Incognita, revisited
(Here be unslayable Old World dragons): |