"In the example of a field of sound we will consider a simple mechanical
alarm clock which is ringing, but not otherwise moving relative to an
observer. The innermost circle represents the outside diameter of the alarm
clock itself; of course the concentricity’s emanating from center - the
ringing alarm clock - represent the systematic structure of sound waves
projecting omnidirectionally from it. In the case of sound, the field is
expanding from the alarm clock @ slightly less than 1,100 ft. per-second. Note, that the soundField system which is circumscribed by and contained
within the area encompassed by the outermost (largest; oldest) sound wave is
completely symmetrical; that is to say, it has the same uniform structure in
any direction from the center-source and throughout all of its parts. "Now, we will consider the above diagram of a ringing alarm clock as a
source of light rather than sound. Whereas, light does not require a
con-ducting medium to support its motion through space from its source, and
sound does, and, whereas light moves at 186,000 miles-per-second as compared
to the l,lOO foot seconds of sound. Nevertheless, what these two comparatively
consid-ered fields do have in common becomes graphically evident when either
or both of them are in motion relative to an observer. "That commonalty is a very well known phenomenon, originally discovered in
the mid-1800's by the Austrian physicist, Christian J. Doppler. This
pheno-menon is acknowledged to be invariably characteristic of all expanding
fields. It is called 'Doppler effect', or sometimes 'Doppler shift/
contraction'. The definition of which is: 'The contraction of any field system
in the direction of its motion at a rate increasingly proportional to the
velocity of its (center) source'. "When we consider the field Source to be a ringing alarm clock, we will
observe in that case the indicated left-to-right motion of the alarm clock -
or the right-to-left motion of the observer - to be approximately one-half the
speed of sound. When we consider the moving source of the field to be a light-field source
rather than a sound-field source, we then consider the left-to-right moving
source or the right-to-left moving observer to be moving at approximately
4/5ths the speed of light. Under these circumstances, the field is no longer symmetrical. The
structure is not uniform in all directions from the source and throughout all
of its parts. It is instead contracted in the direction of its motion; the
contraction ratio corroborate to relative speed; forming a non-symmetrical
field System; reasonably approximated in the referenced illustration.
"Let it be emphasized here that Doppler contraction is not and has never
been applied to, or recognized as, applicable to Matter. "I have said that Einstein proved that matter is 4-Dimensional. Yet, I
have also said that Doppler effect has never been applied to matter. This can
only mean that Doppler effect is not applicable to matter; for the inevitable
reason that matter is not an accelerating 4-Dimensional field after all. Or,
that Doppler field contraction is actu-ally applicable-to and exhibited-by
matter, but that this application - like the 4th Dimension itself - has yet to
be recognized.