Relativistic ‘time dilation’. ‘Slow time’ occuring in relatively larger
spaces; ‘fast time’ occurring in relatively smaller spaces. The relativity of
time values. For which, until here and now, there are not even any failed
explanations. Of course, in a 4-D universe, the value of ‘time and space’ (4-D
space-time) quite inevitably varies, from coordinate system to coor-dinate
system. The speed of light for example, is ever-increasing, while remaining
constant, relative to the coordinate system in which it originates and from
which it is measured. The value of time being covariant with the smaller and
larger - earlier and later - 4-D space-times it occurs and/or is measured.
"Either, matter is found to exhibit Doppler shift and is therefore
re-confirmed to be 4-Dimensional. Or, matter does not exhibit any evidence of
Doppler shift, and, therefore, cannot possibly be a 4-Dimensionally expanding;
accelerating field. "Presently, to briefly introduce for review one of the
several unexpectedly discovered prevailing conditions of reality; derived yet
once again directly from Einstein's combined Theories of Relativity. Its
original technical derivations are the mathematical equations of the Dutch
physicist, Hendrik Antoon Lorentz. Einstein's functional incorporation of the
Lorentz equations within Relativity Theory, are, for this reason now totally
acknowledged-among and familiar-to the physical science community at large.
Specifically these equations are termed, ''the Lorentz/Lorentzian
Electromagnetic Equations'. Successfully and covariantly employed by Einstein
to describe the behavior of sub-atomic 'particles', combined with Maxwell's
electro-magnetic equations. Although H. A. Lorentz originally intended their
application exclusively to moving sources ('particles'/'charges') of
electro-magnetism or light, Einstein very interestingly found another and
quite unexpected application for them. Specifically, Einstein discovered that
Lorentzian Electromagnetic Field Transformations are descriptively applicable
to matter (in motion) itself. (A recurring echo in the acoustically
unimprovable halls of science?)(the sound of gravity!)
The term, 'Lorentz Transformations' may sound somewhat formidable. What
is mathematically and faithfully described here is still however,
non-mathematically, already familiar to all of you.
To quote non-mathematically, exactly what Lorentz Transformations
describe, by way of what Einstein categorically proved: 'Matter : contracts in
the direction of its motion at a rate increasingly proportional to its
velocity'. That is to say, matter, be it rocket or rhinoceros, and all of its
contents, contracts in the direction of its motion at a Lorentzian measured
rate increasingly proportional to its velocity. A brief but excellent
non-mathematical elaboration of this fact can be found on page 190 of THE
EVOLUTION OF PHYSICS, by Albert Einstein and Leopold Infeld. More elaborate
documentation of this fact is available in any advanced physics text on
Relativity. "I call this Einsteinian phenomenon of the Lorentzian contraction
of Matter, 'MASSFIELD DOPPLER EFFECT'. It not only re-confirms that Matter is
a 4-dimensionally expanding field, it also proves once again that gravity is
the 4th Dimension. One may quite reasonably ask why Einstein's successful and
renowned applications of Lorentzian electromagnetic Field Transformations to
Matter: have never been recognized as MASSFIELD DOPPLER EFFECT. That is an extremely relevant question, and it has an equally fascinating
and yet familiar 'answer' - that being that anyone and everyone can 'see' and
therefore 'knows' that Matter, that is to say, physical reality at large 'is
not' expanding. 'If matter was made up of a disturbed areas, it would by now
have spread outward indefinitely, which obviously it is not': tODAYS MILE IS LARGER THAN YESTERDAYS.