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RE: A Thought On Time

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Posted by MrOKL on November 3, 2000 00:56:41 UTC

i kinda understand ur question, i think u're trying to ask WHEN IS THE BEGINNING OF TIME?

if u're toking about does it exists like humans, no.

if u're toking about taking everythin, big or small, out of the cube, does time still exists in there? yes.

why? u ask. think about the definition of time...its simply a very long moment. and humans simply says:

The time for you to finish peeing is 7 secs. What is 7 secs? A long moment. Time doesnt need to affect anything to simply stays there until the first person invents a UNIT for time.

Time, in physics, is the first thing to be discovered, and coincidentally, it is the most important thing ever to be discovered.

Time does not need a cause to exist.

What do you mean when u say time stops?

dun go into thinking on movies where everyone stops moving.

think of simple as the time of humans.
in general, take out the battery from ur clock.

the time stops.
but things continue happening.

if u think time is the pedal of a really huge world, dont. its not.

many ppl think once time STOPS, everything will.
i beg to differ (tryin to act shakespearean lol).

time was invented by humans in our world.
imagine if u had no definition of time.

"U have been on the PC for a long time,"
"no mom, its only a few hrs,"

"u have been on the PC for a long moment," or will u say,

"u have been on the PC for as long as ur dad takes to go to the moon and come back."

its the same thing, but to prevent mess, HUMANS ON EARTH INVENTED TIME....UNITS.

for me, time is simply THERE. forever. THEN PEOPLE ASK: WHEN WAS THE FIRST SECOND OF TIME?

normally people would say:
when the first "thing" was created.

wat was before the first thing?

Does time govern that?
yes it does.

ok, basically, science can never ever find when is the beginning of time.

try using literature here.

then answer ur own question.

I don't know.

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